You're talking for americans, what you want them to do... Almost directly contrary to USMC established doctrine, which directs to operate from ships only when there is no other choice.
They - USMC, and quite likely USAF too, - specifically invest a lot of money into Philippines military infrastructure, including dispersal(and dispersed operations are specifically a goal). As they're investing in heavy bomber interditction, and more.
p.s. also, dispersed F-35Bs are way more difficult to clean out when compared to LHD/LHAs in SCS.
We'll have to agree to disagree until there's more information. My personal opinion is that they will not be basing any F-35s in the Philippines, especially F-35Bs, without an actual US military-controlled base in the Philippines stacked with heavy defensive measures, and last I checked, they don't have any active bases there anymore, only some agreements for forward pre-positioning of materials and equipment.
They have them right now, as their standard payload. Unlike in 1980s, TASM and TLAM are not separate, it's one common missile.
USN (and USMC) required specifically to make it so, even at cost of some range.
Please cite an article where USN SSNs have antiship Tomahawks as their "standard payload", i.e. that they are carrying block V Tomahawks, say as opposed to surface ships where it would make more sense to have them.
Torpedo triangle was invented long time ago...
Also, strictly speaking there are such torpedoes, just not for submarines(UAE deploys those on a few surface ships as a deterrence mechanism against Iran).
LOL there is no triangle if it's just a line with both torpedo and target heading in the same direction. Besides torpedo "triangles" are so WW2. Modern torpedoes aim at their targets directly by acoustics or by wake. BTW, I don't know of any US (or Japanese) torpedoes that could make up 50 miles distance against an uncooperative target.
Any vertical launch system is. Not pointing nose at the target during launch costs time. The larger the missile, the more time.
You made the distinction between hot and cold launch, not me. Cold launch absolutely has more of a delay than hot launch because the missile leaves the premises of the ship much faster on hot launch than cold launch, which means the "duty cycle" for a cold launched missile is much slower. Also, not pointing the nose at the target during launch costs almost no time unless you launch in a semi-ballistic trajectory like SM-2. I've seen alot of videos where a vertically-launched missile tilts towards the target almost immediately after launch. HHQ-10 points at the target because its onboard seeker in most cases acquires the target prior to launch. The HHQ-16 is SARH which means its onboard seeker does not have to acquire the target before launch.
US doctrine does not involve using amphibious assault ships as aircraft carriers. They can be configured that way in an emergency, but preference is to not do so. Two of the America-class lack well decks to make more room for aviation operations, but the ships were found to be pretty poor in this role so the well deck has been restored on the vessels since then.
The USMC and USAF currently have overlapping strategies which call for developing their own small bases in Filipino and Japanese (Ryukyu) islands to operate from. It's not clear how many aircraft would operate from these bases, but one critique of the strategy notes that these planes will be forced to fight in penny packets that would prevent them from making much a difference on the battlefield. Existing airfields are already tiny and the plan is to disperse the planes to avoid making them easy targets for the PLARF.
America LHAs carry up to two squadrons of F-35Bs. Even the ones with smaller hangars can carry more than one squadron. And while they don't need this many to kill insurgents in the ME or intimidate small nations like Syria or Yemen, against the Chinese military they will certainly be far more useful as light carriers than as amphibious assault ships.
Returning to 054A vs. 054B, and whether there is a need for a higher 054B production rate (the original point of the discussion I think). Realistically the 054s (whether A or B) will not be operating by themselves. For the types of missions in the 1IC it may fulfill (ASW, protection of shipping, extending SAM defense of coastal areas out to sea, etc.) it will be complemented by PLAAF aircraft maintaining air superiority anyways, while the PLAN's numerous diesel-electric subs will be a major contributor to ASW. The 054A's performance alone will not be the only factor in the wider battle.
Where the advantages of the 054B over the 054A would make a difference would be in the 2IC, where land-based air support will not really be available. Because US planning is calling for a "distant blockade" of China out at the 2IC anyways, the 054B wouldn't be running simple convoy escort; if the US was to execute this strategy the 2IC would become a major battleground involving proper PLAN CSGs and SAGs. However, while the 054A might be lacking compared to the 054B for such a mission, it would nonetheless be supported by 052Ds, 055s, and whatever carrier they are operating with. The support it would lack would be from SSNs. Whereas the 054B can at least be supplemented by the large number of 054As, the number of SSNs is fairly low outright.
Because of this, it may make more sense to construct 054Bs at a slower pace and put funding into SSN production. I am not claiming this is China's actual rationale, but this is how I would make sense of a low production rate of 054Bs. This theory of course hinges on 09IIIB production climbing in the coming years.
I agree that the 054B is far more useful in the 2IC, but note that large parts of the 2IC are also within range of tactical fighter aircraft (probably more than half), so the operating environment won't be that much more hostile unless you actually travel outside land-based fighter ranges.
It is true, that I/we haven't seen HHQ-16F on the ship .. but this is China, lack of evidence means nothing whether it has or hasn't been commissioned
My bet is, it has been commissioned, I am sure it would be the case for 054B and likely on some later 054A+
There is no reason the HHQ-16F cannot be backward compatible with earlier 054As. Since it is ARH it doesn't even the 054A's illuminators, and regardless it could also be programmed to fly in SARH mode as well. The only caveat would be for longer ranges where the HHQ-16F has a greater chance of not being to pick up the target with its own sensors soon after launch and the illuminator happens to have less range than the HHQ-16F. In this case the HHQ-16F may not be able to be used to its full potential by earlier 054As.