PLA AEW&C, SIGINT, EW and MPA thread


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I frankly doubt we know enough for that.
At this point we really know its class - as well that it's somehow justified over KJ-700 to keep funding.
Everything else comes down from that - we know that big jet aircraft have over medium turboprop ones, we know that big radars(esp. in lower bands) have over smaller ones.

This entirely comes down to what is a reasonable null hypothesis between A-100 and KJ-3000. We've had this discussion before so I won't repeat it again, but every time this comparison is made it will be a stickler again and flagged.

Ugh, wide FoW sensors can't match staring narrow fov mirrors.

I am aware, they obviously would fulfill different roles between the respective aircraft.

The reason why I bring it up is to entertain the idea of why it is very much viable for KJ-3000 to still have "high performance EO window" while also not having a nose EO ball visible.


Registered Member
So what's so similar between the KJ-3000 and A-100?
The only other ongoing modern heavy AESA AWACS to benchmark against. They're essential of the exact same size.
Some features (dual band array, extensive ELINT) are likely similar.

Which is interesting - student of late CW projects may remember several plans of heavy AWACS aircraft (including plans for superheavy ones, B-747 and An-124 based!) for VLO era.
None survived back then, b/c VLO proliferation itself got delayed for decades by peace dividend.

Everything else is either mini-awacs or outright AEW only; it has only a fraction of available space and power onboard. It is also far more affordable, to a degree - attritable.
A-100/KJ-3000 is very unlikely to be risked, unless it's some exceptional, Marianas level action; it should remain effective at a substantially larger stand off for that reason alone.

Hard to say much more really - we have some (rather superficial, but still) clarity on A-100; KJ-3000 is as of now mostly speculation.
Makes me wonder if that e/o sensor is meant for the b-2 and b-21 specifically given the KJ-3000 should have no problem picking up and tracking f-22s and f-35s.
Depending on the specific type of installation, big e/o may immediately provide weapons grade track on whatever it sees.

It can give a far superior ultra long range positive target ID, including on ground targets.
Also, very long range detection and tracking of small objects (missiles).

Finally, provided there's enough energy onboard, you may in fact play with laser through the same mirror. With harmful purposes.
For instance, you may try intercepting AIM-174s. AWACS can't hide - why not defend?


KJ-2000's maiden flight was 2003. So its radar technology is probably more than a quarter century old. And the IL-76 airframe is more than 20 years old.

KJ-3000's entry into service will gradually render KJ-2000's retirement, or PLAAF may consider upgrading program to extend its service life beyond 2030. IMO the former is more likely.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
KJ-2000's maiden flight was 2003. So its radar technology is probably more than a quarter century old. And the IL-76 airframe is more than 20 years old.

KJ-3000's entry into service will gradually render KJ-2000's retirement, or PLAAF may consider upgrading program to extend its service life beyond 2030. IMO the former is more likely.

older platform is not so much the issue but the avionics, electronics and radar definitely will have progressed a lot


Registered Member
Makes me wonder if that e/o sensor is meant for the b-2 and b-21 specifically given the KJ-3000 should have no problem picking up and tracking f-22s and f-35s.
I believe an E/O sensor wouldn't be for any specific aircraft. It could do many things:

- Track aircraft so the radar has more resources for search
- Air to ground identification, since AEW aircraft also do air-to-ground detection nowadays
- The identification of cruise missiles and decoys to aid the CMD complex
- Early detect BM launches and track them
- Peacetime BM/hypersonics MASINT
- Peacetime photorecon
- Long range and high-res battle damage assessment
- The detection of the receding F-35s from long distances which can enable PLA to roughly estimate a CVN's location