Miscellaneous News


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More on Salt Typhoon and the lack of coverage:

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“The Chinese aren’t that interested in making a deal with us. I was there in September and they basically said, ‘You’re on a downhill path, why should we deal with you now?,’” Lewis said of talks around lowering cyberattacks. “I think the first step is to engage, warn them, and take action.”
The response should’ve been along the lines of: “You wanted an ‘all of society’ war on China, you’re going to get an ‘all of society’ war with China”

These Anglo Zionists think they can stop and start a war with constant ceasefires to allow them to rebuild; who do these Anglo zionists think the Chinese are? Syrians? Or worse, Iranians?


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They are telegraphing to everyone what they are planning to do with the Uighur terrorists in Syria. The article also has a number of pro-TIP (ETIM) propaganda videos.
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at two million strong, and has advanced weapons systems and armed drones.

But the country’s growing overseas investments – a cornerstone of Xi’s foreign policy – means there are infrastructure assets and an influx of Chinese workers internationally that could be at risk of attack.
That means that China's BRI activities overseas and is the most likely target. Other Takfiri terrorists could also join ETIM's Jihad against China because they are on the payrolls of people who wants to hurt China.

Time for the SCO to prepare to step up counter-terror operations. ASEAN needs to be vigilant too, because in the past, Malaysia and Thailand had been the transit point for Al-Qaeda and ETIM.


Registered Member
They are telegraphing to everyone what they are planning to do with the Uighur terrorists in Syria. The article also has a number of pro-TIP (ETIM) propaganda videos.
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That means that China's BRI activities overseas and is the most likely target. Other Takfiri terrorists could also join ETIM's Jihad against China because they are on the payrolls of people who wants to hurt China.

Time for the SCO to prepare to step up counter-terror operations. ASEAN needs to be vigilant too, because in the past, Malaysia and Thailand had been the transit point for Al-Qaeda and ETIM.
Doesnt this type of articles just prove what CN claims before?

Does Trump2.0 have control on those kind of things?

Also, does this mean that Turkey FM visit to XJ before, werent serious?
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There are only two models of Asian Countries that are acceptable to the white Anglo American world order: Singapore and the Philippines. Both societies mandate white supremacy uber alles and are slavish to even the most lowly sexpat white loser. Both states are places where failures of western society go to at least not get left behind, where their otherwise inferior genes will find succour amongst Asian brides Eager to join white people in white society.


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Yoon is gone, impeachment passed with 204 votes for.
Seems even his own party agreed to have him gone. I remember when the west were gooshing over him being elected so he could team up with Japan to fight against China. Now him and Kishida are both gone but Xi is still there. All these things just seem to age well do they.
There are only two models of Asian Countries that are acceptable to the white Anglo American world order: Singapore and the Philippines. Both societies mandate white supremacy uber alles and are slavish to even the most lowly sexpat white loser. Both states are places where failures of western society go to at least not get left behind, where their otherwise inferior genes will find succour amongst Asian brides Eager to join white people in white society.
Lately my view of Singapore has been declining. It feels like they are slowly becoming a western influenced vassal and heading into the wrong direction. Their leaders are not able to be as strong as LKY. It doesn't help they have a low birth rate but have high immigration from places like India. You can reverse things if you only need to change people's minds but once the demographics are changed, things cannot be reversed. Soon you will have a better chance of saving Taiwan after years of DPP shilling over Singapore.

Maybe more people from Taiwan should go to Singapore first and then they will realize they are very damn close to those "Chinese" they are in denial about on the relative scale.


Registered Member
Seems even his own party agreed to have him gone. I remember when the west were gooshing over him being elected so he could team up with Japan to fight against China. Now him and Kishida are both gone but Xi is still there. All these things just seem to age well do they.

Lately my view of Singapore has been declining. It feels like they are slowly becoming a western influenced vassal and heading into the wrong direction. Their leaders are not able to be as strong as LKY. It doesn't help they have a low birth rate but have high immigration from places like India. You can reverse things if you only need to change people's minds but once the demographics are changed, things cannot be reversed.
I prefer Singapore over HKG anytime of the day, hear me out bro, where can you see your own ethnicity look down on you. Sorry for our HKG members here, having experience such verbal abuse and rude treatment compare to my experience in Singaporean is like night and day.

Now Both cities will plan for the future, HKG is fortunate that China is next door, so the future is bright, plus with the integration with the mainland will surely altered their attitude for the better. While Singapore is alone in a sea full of shark so she need to tied to a big ship for support, will that be India which is near or US which is far away, so either choice is ideal cause for them China is the answer BUT HKG is their poster child.
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