BRICS & New World Order Thread


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Please educate me, how Brazil would be happy for Argentina to join BRISCS ? aren't they competitors for China's market?
Brazil doesn't want to lose influence in BRICS, which is what any BRICS expansion would do. Basically, China pushed across a bunch of nations in its orbit into BRICS. Brazil was one of the countries against the expansion. So, Lula really wanted Argentina in there to help the Peronist govt there.

Now that's interesting...what are the specific (non-regional) differences between those three stooges and what would be the implications of their differences for China?
So far, it has kind of played out how you would imagine.

Bolsonaro turned out just letting big businesses make decision, so Brazil/China relationship never took a real hard turn to the negative side. Basically, in spite of his personal dislike toward China, Bolsonaro didn't go against his country's interest.

Yoon initially tried to strike more of a balance in policy toward China, but then basically made a hard turn to America after the North Koreans started to test ballistic missiles and he felt Korean security was being tested. Fundamentally, Korean society is just anti-China these days due to China killing their industries. So again, national interest won out here. Although, I would definitely argue that Yoon exacerbated the situation by just naturally anti-China.

Meloni went from a far right govt to just a regular Atlantist and regular right wing govt, so her nomination just pushed Italy further away, but her turn is basically between Bolsonaro and Yoon. In her case, Italy's interest and China's interest don't converge or collide.

In Argentina's case, one would think national interest would push Milei in Bolsonaro direction since both Brazil and Uruguay are working hard to increase exports to China. Any hard turn away from China would hurt all the farmers who have to compete for Chinese market place against Brazilian and Uruguayan farmers

But who knows how practical he will be?


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According to what I hear, from brilliant Alexander Mercouris on his Youtube channel, it was Brazil Lula da Silva in particular who was pushing for Argentina at the latest Brics summit. Argentina is not very important for the Rest against the West, what matters is the exorbitant privilege of the USD being used as a weapon. Now, as a consequence of sanctions, alternatives are in place and trade is more and more settled with alternatives to the US controlled Swift system. At the baseline commodities will win over the USD backed by US power distributed by military bases all over the world.


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They said they were "considering" accepting the invitation. At that time there was talk of US offering a security guarantee to KSA so long as they (inter alia) continued to only accept USD for their oil. Which would have put a kybosh on BRICS admission.
Saudi Arabia not joining BRICS would be a huge slap to the face (to China and the rest of BRICS), looking at the Sino-Saudi cooperation in the past 12 months, this scenario is pretty much impossible.


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They keep vacillating back and forth. Maybe the rejection is real this time.

Argentina Won’t Join the BRICS Bloc Under Milei, Adviser Says​

  • Membership to China-led group in doubt with new government
  • Milei’s top diplomat pick confirms withdrawal of membership
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It feels like they first want to pillage the country, when in a future election a more pro global south government comes in there will be nothing left of value.


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It feels like they first want to pillage the country, when in a future election a more pro global south government comes in there will be nothing left of value.
Parties / governments getting into power, and then proceeds to rob/pillage/profit off the country, is a 'classic' pattern/development.

With my use of 'classic', meaning something that has often happened, especially in Latin America and Africa (but also outside those 2 continents).

That the new Argentina government is gonna be like that, shouldn't surprise anyone.