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All Marines to Get 'Unconscious Bias' Training as Women Join Infantry
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across the Corps will be challenged on their unconscious prejudices and presuppositions as women get the opportunity to become grunts for the first time.

The Marine Corps is rolling out mandatory training for all Marines before the first future female rifleman hits boot camp, aiming to set conditions for a smooth transition and head off cultural resistance.

Mobile training teams will be dispatched to installations across the Corps throughout May and June to offer a two-day seminar to majors and lieutenant colonels, Col. Anne Weinberg, deputy director of the Marine Corps Force Innovation Office, told reporters Thursday. Those officers will then train the Marines under them.

Topics include unconscious bias, which focuses on how people prejudge others based on factors such as race and gender, and principles of institutional change. The seminar will also walk officers through the elements of the Corps' plan for opening ground combat jobs to women and include vignettes featuring challenges units might encounter.

"You're in the field, you only have this certain amount of space for billeting and you've got three women and six guys. How are you going to billet?" Weinberg said, describing a potential vignette. "Just some of these common sense things that these units probably haven't had to deal with so that ground combat units haven't had to deal with, but we've been dealing with in the rest of the Marine Corps for generations."

The Marine Corps rolled out a "commander's tool kit" of optional online classes on similar topics in late 2014 as the service prepared for the possibility of an integration mandate.

A Center for Naval Analyses survey of 54,000 Marines recently obtained by The Washington Post gives context to the need for training on cultural and institutional resistance as female Marines go infantry. The report found that a significant majority of male Marines at every rank opposed the decision to have women serve in ground combat jobs. The resistance was strongest among male junior officers in the ranks of captain and below, who opposed women in ground combat jobs at a rate of more than 72 percent. At least a third of female Marines at every rank were also opposed to the idea.

The Marine Corps was also the only service branch to
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, after an extensive study found that teams and squads with female members were slower and less lethal than all-male units. Many, including
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Secretary Ray Mabus, have
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and the conditions under which it was performed.

"There's no doubt we're leading cultural change. It's not the first time for the Marine Corps, but we like a challenge," said Brig. Gen. James Glynn, director of the Marine Corps' office of communication. "The purpose of the mobile training team is to begin to facilitate the cultural change ... you've got to have the conversation."

Weinberg said the mobile training teams, which will include her and other Marine officers who have participated in the Corps' planning to place women in combat roles, will go to all units, not just the one-third directly affected by combat integration.

"It's a means of getting out an understanding across the force, men and women," she said.
source, dated Mar 18, 2016:
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Lieutenant General
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Unusual and great ! only possible there where ice is thin enough, Typhoon have a reinforced sail for to drill an enough ice thick

The U.S. Navy has captured on video the moment the attack submarine USS Hartford breaks polar ice in order to surface at the Camp Sargo temporary base constructed for the five-week exercise ICEX 2016.

Two U.S. Navy submarines on March 14 reached their temporary camp where the operational readiness of the submarine force is being assessed. Advancing scientific research in the arctic region is also one of the goals.

The exercise started March 2 and will conclude early April.

The Navy’s Arctic Submarine Laboratory, based in San Diego, serves as the lead organization for coordinating, planning and executing the exercise involving two submarines, multiple nations and more than 200 participants

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Navy's Largest Destroyer Heads out to Sea for Trials

The nation's largest and most expensive destroyer headed out to sea Monday for final builder trials before being presented to the Navy for inspection.
Builder's trials are ritical steps on the path to commissioning.

I have heard very good reports concerning those first trials, and we hpe that these second ones go as well. For such a new ship to be able to pass through the builder's trials, given the new propulsion and electrical systems, as well as the new hull form, etc., speaks very highly of the Bath and the deisngers and builders of the ships.

But she has a long ways to go yet. Afyter these successful trials the US Navy will begin exercising her in depth.

Here are some more pics of her departing on these trials.

Zumwalt-2ndTrails-01.jpg Zumwalt-2ndTrails-02.jpg Zumwalt-2ndTrails-03.jpg Zumwalt-2ndTrails-04.jpg

Beautiful ship.
This Painfully Honest Look at the Space Industry Just Got an Executive Fired

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the story goes on, in a way ...
DOD Inspector General Opens Investigation Into Ex-ULA Exec Comments
At the request of Defense Secretary Ash Carter, the Pentagon's Inspector General has opened an investigation into controversial statements by a top United Launch Alliance executive accusing Sen. John McCain of working with their competition to ban the use of a Russian rocket engine for military space launch.

"At the request of the Secretary of Defense, the OIG DoD has opened an investigation regarding assertions made by United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) former Vice-President of Engineering relating to competition for national security space launch and whether contracts to ULA were awarded in accordance with DoD and Federal regulations," according to a March 22 DOD IG memo to the Air Force Secretary. "This investigation will include, but is not limited to, site visits, interviews, and documentation review with DoD and ULA personnel."

ULA Engineering Vice President Brett Tobey resigned last week after reports emerged that he had accused the Senate Armed Services chairman of teaming up with SpaceX founder Elon Musk to ban the RD-180 rocket engine, which powers ULA’s Atlas V launch vehicles. SpaceX is ULA's main competition for Pentagon business, as the company's Falcon 9 rocket won certification last year to compete for military space launches.

“This guy right here, John McCain, who basically doesn’t like us; he’s like this with Elon Musk,” Tobey said during a March 15 presentation at the University of Colorado-Boulder, according to audio posted by Space News. “So Elon Musk says, 'Why don’t you guys go, why don’t you go after United Launch Alliance and see if you can get that engine to be outlawed?'”

ULA, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin, and the Pentagon are working together to figure out a way to “silence McCain,” Tobey suggested in his remarks. The company, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin, is even considering completely transitioning from Atlas V to the much more expensive Delta IV for satellite launch.

“The problem is that carries a $1 billion or $2 billion budget, and is it worth that billion or two dollars of taxpayer money, just to silence John McCain, who’s the squeaky wheel in all this?” Tobey said. “It really is a one-man band out there that’s driving forward. Everyone wants to get off of the RD-180 engine, but they want to do it in a more logical and organized way that basically doesn’t put those national assets at risk.”

Carter is "concerned" about the statements, and last week referred the matter to the Pentagon Inspector General for "appropriate action," according to Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook.

"The Department strives to ensure all contracts are awarded in a fair and impartial manner based strictly on the terms of the solicitation and source selection criteria," Cook said in a March 18 email. "The Secretary is concerned by recent statements regarding competition for national security space launch and, consistent with the recommendation of Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, and Deborah James, Secretary of the Air Force, has referred the matter to the DoD Inspector General for appropriate action."

ULA CEO Tory Bruno denounced Tobey’s “ill-advised” comments on Twitter on March 16 and in a March 17 statement to Defense News. ULA welcomes competition, he said.

“The views, positions and inaccurate statements Mr. Tobey presented at his recent speaking engagement were not aligned with the direction of the company, my views, nor the views I expect from ULA leaders,” Bruno said, according to the statement. “Mr. Tobey resigned his position at ULA effective immediately.”

The IG involvement comes after the Arizona Republican called on the Pentagon to investigate Tobey’s “disturbing statements” during a March 17 SASC appearance by Carter and Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford. McCain's request is the latest salvo in his political battle to wean the US off of the Russian rocket engines supplied by ULA.

"These statements raised troubling questions about the nature of the relationship between the Department of Defense and ULA," said McCain, R-Ariz.

"This committee treats with the utmost seriousness any implication that the department showed favoritism to a major defense contractor or that efforts have been made to silence members of Congress. Mr. Secretary, I expect that you will make a full investigation into these statements and take action wherever appropriate."

McCain has been seeking a ban on using the RD-180 for military space launch after 2019 in response to recent Russian aggression in eastern Europe and the Middle East. However, Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican and a senior member of the Senate appropriations committee, spearheaded legislative language in the fiscal year 2016 omnibus bill that allowed ULA to keep buying RD-180s from Moscow until a domestic alternative is available.

The Russian engines, part of a US Air Force contract, have powered dozens of ULA's satellite launches of military hardware during the past decade, and ULA has held a monopoly on the launches for years.
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Tyrant King
the story goes on, in a way ...
DOD Inspector General Opens Investigation Into Ex-ULA Exec Comments

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Like I said, There must have been a Open Bar.
What Tobey did was open the flood gates of Accusation right into the ULA factory and offices.
Now the DOD has no choice but to investigate every deal and contract between ULA and both the DOD. McCain now has the ammunition to rip apart every dealing between ULA and both the DOD and NASA looking for impropriety and Shelby can't lift a finger in protest as it might be made to look confirmatory of a "Special relationship". ULA has to also be seen to give Aerojet Rocketdyne's AR series rocket a fair shake for fear of appearing to favor the Blue Origin's BE 4, which will likely delay or complicate the development map of the ULA Vulcan. Topping off the big steaming egg of troubles Mr. Tobey laid, this will likely also drum up more support of dropping use of Russian Engines which would body slam the ULA Atlas V and ATK Orbital Cygnus which in turn would push more of the market to Elon Musk's Space X.


Lieutenant General
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USS Chosin to undergo ‘Cruizer Modernization’

The U.S. Navy announced March 22 that the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile destroyer USS Chosin (CG 65) will change its homeport from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to San Diego and reduce its operating status as it undergoes the Navy’s Cruiser modernization program.

The ship will be considered on deployment until July 1, at which time it will officially change its homeport to San Diego.

This move supports the Navy’s plan to modernize select cruisers to extend their service lives to 40 years, as well as upgrade shipboard combat systems to address current and future warfighting requirements.

The Navy said it would maintain cruisers undergoing modernization in a commissioned status using a reduced crew size and transferring the administrative control of the ship to Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command at the start of the modernization period.

At a future date, the Navy will restore the ship to full manning and transfer administrative control back to the Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet as the ship returns to operational status.

USS Chosin was commissioned in 1991 and since then has proudly served in the Pacific from its homeport of Pearl Harbor.

Cruisers are designed to directly support a carrier strike group (CSG) as the air defense commander (ADC). These ships are multi-mission surface combatants capable of supporting carrier strike groups, expeditionary strike groups or operating as flagships of surface action groups. They are equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles giving them additional long range strike warfare capability.

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Lieutenant General
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Virginia with a Vanguard to Faslane in UK homeport for the 4 SSBN Vanguard and 3 SSN Astute.
USS Virginia Arrives in Faslane.jpg

Virginia, lead boat of the U.S. Navy’s Virginia-class submarines, is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.

Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde, commonly known throughout the Navy as Faslane, is one of three operating Royal Navy bases. It is home to the core of the Submarine Service, including the four nuclear-powered Vanguard-class submarines and the new generation of Astute submarines.

The most recent Astute submarine joined the fleet just a week ago. HMS Artful entered service with the Royal Navy after a March 18 ceremony which was held in Faslane.

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