ZTQ-15 and PRC Light Tanks


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Commander's optics seem to be fixed like in Type 96. I guess Chinese army doctrine do not require it since the whole tank strategy is nearly always send them in waves and angle of focus for each individual tank is so small. Guess they consider the savings to be worth it. The high end tank type 99 series have always had independent sight though but gunner's sight is still fixed to the gun.

If you look closely at earlier pics in the thread, the tank has been seen more often than not with a commander's sight resembling that on the Type-99 series. PLA is still cheap and all, but I think this is just a case of them not bothering to have them installed for the parade tanks for whatever reason. The parade tanks also happen to be missing the 35mm AGL and some applique armor.


Two new high-resolution images.




New Member
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very nice machine. I believe the future is for light tanks. and with introduction of more compact and remotely controlled guns. this tank can really be the basses for next generation of PLA tank force.


Junior Member
I scrolled back all the way to page 38 and I need a bit of clarification.
Is the turret of the VT-5 completely different than the in-service ZQT-15? if that's even the name at all?


Junior Member
Can someone give me a tldr for the new tanks and how they compare to the old ones? In my mind there are a quality type 99, a quantity type 96 and a new light tank for mountains.


Registered Member
Can someone give me a tldr for the new tanks and how they compare to the old ones? In my mind there are a quality type 99, a quantity type 96 and a new light tank for mountains.

Pretty much on the money. Complexities are rife but I'd say this is a good summary :p