Unfortunately, I have no technical data on this. As far as I know, this is the only ejection seat on display.
But do we at least know its designation? Previous models had a TY-number
Unfortunately, I have no technical data on this. As far as I know, this is the only ejection seat on display.
But do we at least know its designation? Previous models had a TY-number
According to a Chinese TV report, TL-30 is an anti-radiation loitering attack munition by Hongdu.
- Range: 280km
- Loitering time: 50 minutes
- Capable of battlefield patrol and monitoring, providing targeting information to other platforms, and conducting damage assessments.
- When it's loitering time is near an end, it will conduct strike against enemy radars.
Where is H-20? -_-
珠海航展公司表示,今年的珠海航展在11月8日到13日舉辦, 這次希望能看見運20B和渦扇20甚至是運油20B,鶻鷹艦載機和其渦扇21的介紹,彩虹公司的彩虹7隱身攻擊機等等的原型機或者相關首飛影片,中航智公司的隱身艦載直升機等等,各種隱身導彈如雨後春筍
The Zhuhai Airshow Company said that this year's Zhuhai Airshow will be held from November 8 to 13, and this time we hope to see the introduction of the Yun 20B and Turbofan 20 and even the Yun Oil 20B, the Eagles and their Turbofan 21, the Rainbow Company's Rainbow 7 stealth attack aircraft and other prototypes or related first flight videos, the stealthy helicopters of the AVIC Company and so on, and various stealth missiles like a spring.
Speaking of which, just beneath Deino's tweet is the source author of the above information, which is this guy called 柳成梁 on Facebook:Is there an original link to the supposed report?
Another Facebook post in a group called Modern Chinese Warplanes with the same content and translation as Deino's tweet:
I assume that this is where Deino sourced the above information from, or vice-versa.