Z-20 (all variants) thread

Iron Man

Registered Member
There is not such thing as a “Semi Stealth” helicopter. In order to be proper Stealth is needs a reduction in RCS to the ridiculous level. Raptor, Lighting, B2 and F117 have RCS profiles measured when compared to metal marbles and insects. That’s why I use VLO as a short hand Very Low Observable. Because the profiles are smaller than birds.
Of course there is. RCS reduction is not some kind of binary achievement, like somehow you are either "proper" stealth or not at all. Fighters like the Euorcanards and even the F-18E/F have some RCS reduction features, as does the F-15EX and others, so let's not start talking extremes here. 90% of stealth is shaping and 10% materials so literally any helicopter or fighter could have some degree of RCS reduction baked-in via shaping without have to resort to RAM or more complicated shaping like what we see on the Stealth Hawk.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Not a fan of this helicopter in any shape way or form

Total shameless rip off from Blackhawk

They should have developed one from the Z18


Not a fan of this helicopter in any shape way or form

Total shameless rip off from Blackhawk

They should have developed one from the Z18
The problem is, the 10-ton helo class is a Goldilocks for utility helo platform - not to big (Z-8 / Z-18), not too small (Z-9), just right.


Tyrant King
Of course there is. RCS reduction is not some kind of binary achievement, like somehow you are either "proper" stealth or not at all. Fighters like the Euorcanards and even the F-18E/F have some RCS reduction features, as does the F-15EX and others, so let's not start talking extremes here. 90% of stealth is shaping and 10% materials so literally any helicopter or fighter could have some degree of RCS reduction baked-in via shaping without have to resort to RAM or more complicated shaping like what we see on the Stealth Hawk.
Correct it’s not binary however the reduction degree here is what I am saying.
F/A18E and Eurofighter drop the RCS by about 50% (F15EX makes no changes to the RCS of the Strike Eagle that was the F15SE concept which was terminated as in order to make a 50% reduction it needed to increase costs and maintenance to the point of diminished returns. Basically to reduce the Eagle or flanker RCS by 50% you would need to build a new fighter from the old components that would cost as much as a fifth gen to buy and maintain. ) for that roughly 50% they get RCS range reduction of only a third. So rather than being seen at 500 miles they are seen at 425 miles give or take. To get stealth where in the detection range is such that the aircraft and radar are virtually on top of each other for detection you need over 200 times the RCS reduction. The ratio is is not as clear cut either if you look at J20, F22 or F35 in primer you see a lot more than 10% is RAM and composite materials then there are changes to the mechanical components themselves the S intakes, Exhaust system and more.