Nice video, but the narrator's narrative is too epic and the video may be better if he toned it down a bit.
I cannot think of any examples of multi-target engagement capability with laser guided missiles.
For one, you will need two, independently targeting lasers and associated mounts to be able to hit two targets at the same time with two missiles.
For another, even if you had that set up, there is every chance both missiles will end up following one or the other laser rather than one each.
Multi-target simultaneous engagement is only theoretically possible with radar guided missiles, and to be honest, I cannot remember even hearing of examples of such even with attack helicopters that have MMW radars.
I am 99.9% sure those are just unguided rockets.
Laser can be pulse or color coded so that a missile will specifically home in on one target even when several targets are simultaneously illuminated. Pulse coding also makes laser target destination harder to jam.
Even a single laser source can use a beam splitter to track more than target. It is also plausible for a single laser source to time share its illumination to guide weapons onto more than one target at a time.
HAIG has set the first flight date of the Z-19E(xport) in May, 2017.
you want to shift the Exhaust more into the cool air to try and break the IR signature.I have a question on the exhaust, I notice this on other attack helicopter too, why do they have to curve it instead of leaving it as square or circular shape
that seems make senseyou want to shift the Exhaust more into the cool air to try and break the IR signature.
Z-19E completed first flight this morning.