Re: the real WZ 10
Hmm....I don't know, it seems like a psed apache.
1) The tailwind from the helo has absolutely no afffect on the nearby trees.
2) There is no signs of heat coming from the engines, both for the "wz-10"
and the flanker (or is that a j-11b?)
3) The color scheme is inconsistent, if your look closely you can see that the
tail has some kind of redish glow to it.
4) This pic contradicts many of the cgi pics out there, the engine seems
englarged and the chain gun looks....familiar....seems too small to be a 25- 30mm, and i dont think the Plaaf have any lower calibor cannons....
5) Notice the blurry outline of the background behind the "wz-10," the water tower and the tree line is blurry, yet the wz-10 appears to be better quality then the j-11. From eyeing it the distance looks to be 100-300 yards?
6) Where are the ground crew? It's not like the wz-10's going to travel far.....
Remember..."it dosen't exist"
Btw what is your source? I'm more interested in the flanker. Does anyone know if its a prototype of a j-11 variant? I also dont that that the "hump" behind the cockpit is normal.......I believe the standard color for prototypes is yellow?
Where is this??? And how the hell do people get this close to a military airfield testing for "aircrafts that do not exist."
Im probrably just a skeptic, but until some further proof comes, im going to go with that its a ps.....
If i was taking pictures... i would definitely get more thne one pic.....