
Red not Dead

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k1975 said:
WZ10 flight characteristic and performance would be similiar to euro Tiger. But the onboard electronic sensors and avonics would be more similiar to the Italian Au129. Every often, the combat helio performance also depends on the reliablity of the engines, in order to maintain a high sorties rate in the battlefield. The Sensor suites and ECM suites are very critical subsystem that determine the survival of the combat helio in the field against enemy detection. It would be interesting to see if Chinese engineers would implement the active laser protection system onto the new WZ10 as well.

HUm china has already rejected the A 129 International project offered back in 1999 (it was way to expensive around 17 mill per chopper + 5 mill per upgrade, no Hot or milan offered!!!) With that money you buy 6 mi mil 35 with far better capabilities and a 8+2 layout.

The Italian Mangusta is a piece of crap technically speaking (so is the Eurocopter both are light assault, compared to heavy monsters like apache or kamov and both are same era projects).


Banned Idiot
Gauntlet said:
Unless the WZ-10 are an exact copy of the Eurocopter, I would think these pics are PS'ed.
um...they are eurocopters.
the second two pics dont even have chinese markings.


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中国的 Z-10 直升机的最新进展(中文原创)

有关中国 Z-10 战斗直升机的最新消息表明,该研制计划持续取得稳步进展,并且西方的供应商依旧在推动这种进展。昌河飞机工业公司现在已经交付了三架原型机,普遍认为其中的两架正在进行试飞。
来自北京的消息称,Z-10 的试飞小组已经试飞了超过 400 个小时。貌似 Z-10 的第三架原型机的最新图片证实了简氏早些时候对这种直升机样式的猜测。
新颖的剪刀式尾桨和常规的尾部布局可能是第一次被看到。这架 Z-10 飞行时,携带了新开发的机鼻下方机关炮,以及短翼式武器挂架。临时性的飞行测试设备和空气数据传感器被安装在机鼻上。
一个看起来是“防线缆保护系统”(译注:WIRE STRIKE PROTECTION SYSTEM 是个专有名词,其作用是当直升机在低空撞到高压电线之类的东西时,能将这些线缆及时割断,保障飞机的安全)的切割器的东东被安装在串列式座舱的上方。通体黑色的机身在尾梁处涂有人民解放军的军徽。
在中国,Z-10 通常被以一种更具中国特色的方式命名为武直10(武直,即武装直升机)。
迄今为止,提供给 Z-10 的西方设备都没有获得过任何的出口许可证,因为它们都是在民用的中国中型直升机计划(CMH)的掩盖下销售出去的。CMH 现在正在进行之中,Z-10 的一些设计和 CMH 是通用的,但是 Z-10 要比 CMH 先进的多。
就像苏霍伊的Su27与沈阳的歼-11一样,中国正在进行 Z-10 和 CMH 的国产化进程,我们将会看到,即使是一些关键性部件,如发动机,最终也会换上国产设备。
然而,用于 Z-10 的发动机--涡轴9的研发进度已经落后了计划好几年。Z-10 的发动机供应商--加拿大的普惠公司正在准备交付它的下一批 PT6-67C 涡轮轴发动机,有 10 台已经交付给了中国。


New Member
WZ-10 waste of money.

While Changhe aircraft Industries have still not publicized the WZ-10 and its performance and capabilities, many assumptions lead it to be an inferior attack helicopter.

It is the first time china tries to create an indeginous attack helicopter but I'm sure it will not meet modern attack helicopter standards.

Here are a few specs of the WZ-10.the helicopter features a stepped tandem two-seat cockpit and narrow fuselage similar to Western designs. The helicopter has a five-blade main rotor and a four-blade tail rotor. The helicopter has a chin-mounted 30mm cannon and a pair of stub wings carrying ATGMs and/or other weapons.

Its best bet in battle is probably stealth, due to its smaller size compared to monsters like ka-50 black sharks and apache longbows which also be able to take alot of more flack. If this is the case its role against a modern army with strong stealth breaking capabilities are either minimal or non existant.

If I was a chinese general I would like to scrap this project and start to create a new attack helicopter which incorporates latest russian technologies (which I find superior to western ones in my opinion) and design to create a more potent helicopter.

For example.
KA-50 black shark. rate of climb of 10m/s at an altitude of 2,500m. The rotor blades are made from polymer materials. The coaxial-rotor configuration results in moments of inertia values relative to vertical and lateral axes being between 1.5 to 2 times less than the values found in single rotor helicopters with tailrotors. Absence of the tail rotor enables the helicopter to perform flat turns within the entire flight speed range. A maximum vertical g-load of 3.5 combined with low moments of inertia give the Ka-50 a high level of agility.

Extensive all-round armour installed in the cockpit protects the pilot against 12.7mm armour piercing bullets and 23mm projectile fragments. The rotor blades are rated to withstand several hits of ground-based automatic weapons.

The Ka-50 is the world's first operational helicopter with a rescue ejection system, which allows pilot to escape at all altitudes and speeds


Banned Idiot
Re: WZ-10 waste of money.

a thread based completely on speculation and assumptions...not very ineresting.

the eurocopter and agusta-bell helped alot in this project. and its been going on for years. if china wanted advanced helicopter tech, they could have simply asked klimov too.


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Re: WZ-10 waste of money.

WZ-10 is not the same type of helicopter as Ka-50 or apache. You could've posted this in the already existing WZ-10 thread. WZ-10 is more of a multirole copter like Tiger.


New Member
Re: WZ-10 waste of money.

I think that the usefulness of all attack helicopters is more limited then people think. The attack helicopter exists primarily because of inter-service rivalry. If the US air force had let the army have fixed wing attack aircraft then there would be significantly fewer attack helicopters in the world. After Vietnam the rest of the world followed the US. Attack helicopters have never really done that great, they are only good at providing an escort for other copters, and destroying tanks from well behind enemy lines in terrain that they have the advantage in. While it is nice to the type of highly mobile fire power that an attack helicopter provides, they are expensive vulnerable and unsuitable for many jobs that a fixed wind aircraft could do. The WS-10 is probability good enough, attack helicopters and close air support aircraft are going to be replaced by air launched stand off weapons, and rocket artillery anyway. Long range rapid response PGM are the way of the future, one of the reasons the Comanche was canceled.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: WZ-10 waste of money.


seting the target too high when your with an inexperince industry in asking for trouble. That is the mistake of the past many old chinese fighter design were advanced on paper but got canceled beacuse of diffculites with the engine or the avionic. maybe the americans can pull this off but the chinese is going for a stable path. ALSO HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THE wz 10 is not fit for mordern combat so far we dont know jack about it

I editted out one part, please do no more Indian comparison when the thread has nothing to do with India.


VIP Professional
Re: WZ-10 waste of money.

Longaxe said:
I think that the usefulness of all attack helicopters is more limited then people think. The attack helicopter exists primarily because of inter-service rivalry. If the US air force had let the army have fixed wing attack aircraft then there would be significantly fewer attack helicopters in the world.

There are some advantages to a helicopter, as very few aircraft are VSTOL. A strike aircraft require airbase with runway, shelter, etc. A helicopter can be deployed from just about anywhere.

The US Marine corps have Harriers and Hornets, but they still use the AH-1 Cobra that has been retired from US Army service. If you look at the service history of the AH-1, it streches from Vietnam war (~1968) all the way to present day Iraq.

The addition of WZ-10 would enhance PLA capabilities and add more options to military commanders. However from a cost-benefit point of view, I'd probably still lean toward armed UAV's for the future.


New Member
Re: WZ-10 waste of money.

There is no stealth helicopters currently in service with any army. You can't measure WZ-10's capabilities for sure. I don't think it's capabilities would be to bad probrably as good as Tiger. I think tiger would greatly enhance the PLA 's capability they should just stick with WZ-10