Black Shark
Junior Member
Well, the new AH-1Z Viper that the US is now building for the US Marines to replace the Super Cobras can reach 410 km/h in a dive and speeds of 233 miles per hour.
It's cruise speed is 185 miles per hour or 296 km/h.
The two main reasons why the AH-1Z is significantly faster than any other Cobra version are obviously more hp and the altered rotor head, like you can see on the picture the actual beginning of the rotor blades starts far away from the fuselage and at the end of the stubbed wings, meaning there is almost no downwash factor that slows it down, only tips of the stubbed wings and tailboom are downwash factor, most other helicopters have no such extended connection between rotor head and rotor blades.
And dive speed is not really something needed to mention, a tank can reach 150-170 km/h in "dive" from a cliff, too.