A lizard challenged a crocodile to a game of 'reptile rodeo' by jumping on him...
Picture: Hendy MP/Solent News
...leaving the crocodile no choice but to try and shake him off. The fight between the 35cm croc and the 25cm lizard was captured by photographer Hendy MP in Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Picture: Hendy MP/Solent News
A red-winged blackbird appeares to have hitched a ride on the back of a red-tailed hawk. The photo was captured in the DeSoto and Boyer Chute national wildlife refuge, which spans across Nebraska and Iowa, by Mike White. 'We see territorial blackbirds (among others) dive-bombing raptors,' the department explained. 'But this is definitely something you don't see every day.'
Picture: Mike White/US department of the Interior
Clouds of an approaching thunderstorm are seen from the Hungarian steppe of Hortobagy
Picture: EPAhttp://i.imgur.com/YNXa4I0.jpg
A boy shows Pope Francis the photo he has just taken of them both as the Pontiff arrives in St. Peter's Square at the VaticanPicture: AP
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