World News Thread & Breaking News!!

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These are good arguments against the possibility of effective gun control, at any rate before some disaster strikes that gives the authorities the power to do something. It seems some four million Americans prepare for a civil war they expect to come soon ( some of them have been preparing for dozens of years ). After such a civil war and possibly the break up of the US the new authorities will have the incentive to monopolize violence. But this is definitely not something to look forward to.
Tragically, I see all of this as some sort of a cycle. Lack of critical thinking -->mass media misinformation of how unsafe their society is(half true)-->ill-informed-->buy guns to protect self--> not proper solution, as either various psychological reasons and symptoms continue-->outbreak, which leads to shooting-->gunman die, but public continues to live in fear and the cycle repeats
As a psych major, I don't see this phenomenon as a single stimulus, but an entire "system" of itself. The American gun culture also have a lot to do with how Americans as a society are, and what brews in that society. Whereas Japanese culture develops its own brew of problems with suicide, this gun thing is an American problem.
Tragically, I see all of this as some sort of a cycle. Lack of critical thinking -->mass media misinformation of how unsafe their society is(half true)-->ill-informed-->buy guns to protect self--> not proper solution, as either various psychological reasons and symptoms continue-->outbreak, which leads to shooting-->gunman die, but public continues to live in fear and the cycle repeats
As a psych major, I don't see this phenomenon as a single stimulus, but an entire "system" of itself. The American gun culture also have a lot to do with how Americans as a society are, and what brews in that society. Whereas Japanese culture develops its own brew of problems with suicide, this gun thing is an American problem.

Asians in general are conservative and adverse to gun. Taught to avoid trouble and that anyone who lived by the sword shall die by the sword. This philosophy is noble and served confucian society well. I do not disagree with such a philosophy.

However, Jack has a point with his "when in Rome. Do as the Romans do" approach. Guns and Compulsory military and gun training in Korea probably saved lives during the LA Riots. Also, Katrina could easily happen in any major American city and proves the opportunistic LA rioters are not isolated cases. it will happen again and even if not, it is better to be safe than regret the consequences later. There is a reason why gun control is so controversial in the United States.


Lieutenant General
People in the US who want to get rid of guns are never going to get what they want without a revolution and that's not likely to happen. I laugh everytime I see someone who's from the "urban streets" of any US city thinking their gangbangers are the US's secret omipotent army. I think they got that from the movie Rising Sun. Drive-bys are done by cowards. Yeah anyone can be a badass when they're the only one with a gun. But when someone else has a gun, watch the badass run like hell. This is an example.

[video=youtube;Mm9o3vhKoF8] ch_query%3Dold%2Bman%2Bshoots%2Btwo%2Brobbers%26oq %3Dold%2Bman%2Bshoots%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.1.0.0l10.62 43.22520.0.25374. ..0.0...1ac.wxzzsQt7fUs[/video]

Two armed invincible young badasses running away from a 71 year old man and they think they're a bunch of Rambos? I want my guns because I know besides criminals that need to be given their due justice, the people who are most likely to violate my rights are the ones that hide behind the flag. In a perfect world there should be no guns or to the least strict gun control laws. But in the US, that train has left the station. Maybe the average American gun lover are like those gangbangers. If they saw in the US people they don't like exercising their right to arm themselves, maybe they'll think twice about it.
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Lieutenant General
People in the US who want to get rid of guns are never going to get what they want without a revolution and that's not likely to happen. I laugh everytime I see someone who's from the "urban streets" of any US city thinking their gangbangers are the US's secret omipotent army. I think they got that from the movie Rising Sun. Drive-bys are done by cowards. Yeah anyone can be a badass when they're the only one with a gun. But when someone else has a gun, watch the badass run like hell. This is an example.

[video=youtube;Mm9o3vhKoF8] ch_query%3Dold%2Bman%2Bshoots%2Btwo%2Brobbers%26oq %3Dold%2Bman%2Bshoots%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.1.0.0l10.62 43.22520.0.25374. ..0.0...1ac.wxzzsQt7fUs[/video]

Two armed invincible young badasses running away from a 71 year old man and they think they're a bunch of Rambos? I want my guns because I know besides criminals that need to be given their due justice, the people who are most likely to violate my rights are the ones that hide behind the flag. In a perfect world there should be no guns or to the least strict gun control laws. But in the US, that train has left the station. Maybe the average American gun lover are like those gangbangers. If they saw in the US people they don't like exercising their right to arm themselves, maybe they'll think
twice about it.

Kudos to the old man with the gun to scared away the would be perpetrators, but he needs to work on his marksmanship a little more!:p;)


Lieutenant General
Is it just me who thinks the old gentlemen did an incredibly dangerous and reckless thing and was lucky to get away with it?

Just as well the two robbers were total idiots and cowards, because if either of them had the composure or wit to return fire, the situation could have turned into an absolute bloodbath that could have seen many casualties amongst the bystanders.

The old gentlemen was lucky himself to not hit innocent bystanders with the number of shots he was popping off and missing.

It would have been a different story if the old gentlemen had had the skill to take out the two gangbangers with two clean hits that either killed or incapacitated them instantly. But with the way he was spraying shots all over the place and missing, he was a far bigger threat to the other patrons than the robbers.

Far from a badass clip to show the heroism of an armed citizen, this clip could so very easily have been a cautionary case study on the dangers of vigilante action, especially by those whose ambition far exceeds their skill.

The only thing that prevented this from turning into a tragedy and disaster was blind luck, and that is not something I like to rely on.


Lieutenant General
Is it just me who thinks the old gentlemen did an incredibly dangerous and reckless thing and was lucky to get away with it?

Just as well the two robbers were total idiots and cowards, because if either of them had the composure or wit to return fire, the situation could have turned into an absolute bloodbath that could have seen many casualties amongst the bystanders.

The old gentlemen was lucky himself to not hit innocent bystanders with the number of shots he was popping off and missing.

It would have been a different story if the old gentlemen had had the skill to take out the two gangbangers with two clean hits that either killed or incapacitated them instantly. But with the way he was spraying shots all over the place and missing, he was a far bigger threat to the other patrons than the robbers.

Far from a badass clip to show the heroism of an armed citizen, this clip could so very easily have been a cautionary case study on the dangers of vigilante action, especially by those whose ambition far exceeds their skill.

The only thing that prevented this from turning into a tragedy and disaster was blind luck, and that is not something I like to rely on.

Did you see how close that old man was to the perpetrator? There is no way he could hit anybody else but the the first robber. Many of these robbers are young and inexperience punks who've never been in combat or fire arms drills at least to have the steady nerves to pull out a successful fire fight in public anyway.


Junior Member
Is it just me who thinks the old gentlemen did an incredibly dangerous and reckless thing and was lucky to get away with it?

Just as well the two robbers were total idiots and cowards, because if either of them had the composure or wit to return fire, the situation could have turned into an absolute bloodbath that could have seen many casualties amongst the bystanders.

The old gentlemen was lucky himself to not hit innocent bystanders with the number of shots he was popping off and missing.

It would have been a different story if the old gentlemen had had the skill to take out the two gangbangers with two clean hits that either killed or incapacitated them instantly. But with the way he was spraying shots all over the place and missing, he was a far bigger threat to the other patrons than the robbers.

Far from a badass clip to show the heroism of an armed citizen, this clip could so very easily have been a cautionary case study on the dangers of vigilante action, especially by those whose ambition far exceeds their skill.

The only thing that prevented this from turning into a tragedy and disaster was blind luck, and that is not something I like to rely on.

Agree completely. He was very lucky not to cause a shootout in a crowded cafe that could've hurt many. I'm also surprised the other patrons didn't hit the ground instantly when someone started shooting.


Lieutenant General
I think in a chaotic situation like that it's more luck that you actually kill someone from inflicting mortal wounds. I've heard of stories where people have been shot multiple of times center mass and they're still survive. I hear people get shot with a shot gun and are still alive. I think people are too influenced by movies of how people die from getting shot. I haven't heard or read anything about the guys in the video and how seriously they were wounded but I know sometimes adrenaline can get you going for minutes and then you collapse and need serious medical attention or die afterwards. I've seen video of people being shot. It's nothing like you see in movies. No being knocked back by bullets hitting you. Some people don't even know it. There's a guy who had a limb bitten off by a shark and was asked what was it like and he said he didn't feel any pain. Anyone have personal experience that would know more?

Regarding the danger to others... it's Florida. It's okay a civilian was carrying a loaded weapon out in public. If no innocent bystander was hit, I don't think anyone is going to complain. Here in California that's another case. Last week we had the Chevron refinery fire that made national news and made gas prices jump across the country. I don't live anywhere close but the black cloud went at least 25 miles and directly over my house. I didn't smell a thing yet thousands of people where lining up at hospitals saying they were suffering from the chemicals in the smoke. I saw people on the news in cities further away than mine that weren't even in the path of the smoke saying they had to go to the emergency room because they couldn't breath.
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