The reason Hillary Clinton left the Obama Admin and Secretary of State position is simple.
She wanted the time to organize and prepare for her own Presidential run in 2016. That position was taken by her to beef up her resumee for four years as SECSTATE so she could use it for her presidential run, which she is now really gearing up to do.
I believe this to be true as well. While she hasn't made any formal announcement (yet) I'm going to go with her dropping her name in the hat for 2016. She stands a very good chance of winning if she runs unless she has some gargantuan controversial issue we have not heard about or know.
The Republican field is on the weak side to mount any serious challenge especially now with Christie being embroiled in bridgegate which is far from over for him. There is nothing magical about the winning formula for Republicans or even Democrats for that matter. They HAVE to appeal more toward young people, minorities and women otherwise it will again be very very difficult... in other words they have to appeal more toward folks that aren't your typical SD members LOL