GREAT synopsis, and SPOT on, Gerry.
I have friends and family who asked me about this so I have done some serious research the last few days, including contacting people I know in St. Louis in law enforcement. I then wrote this to my family and friends:
The left, the race batters, and this administration want a particular narrative about Ferguson, and they have a willing and abetting media to help make it happen and maintain it.
Simply put...that's why this incident is lasting so long in the media.
This Ferguson narrative of a white cop deliberately executing an unarmed black teenager who was just walking down the street continues their race touble propaganda, distracts from the much more serious issues of the day, and they hope will give them political cover for the fall election.
This Ferguson narrative also has no basis whatsoever in the truth.
Eyewitness accounts make plain that:
1) Michael Brown profaned a police officer who at first simply asked him to get out of the middle of the street.
2) Micael Brown refused to follow a lawful police instruction to get out of the middle of the street.
3) Michael Brown assaulted the police officer when he returned to question Brown (apparently after hearing of a robbery that had just occurred over the radio in his car), striking him several times in the face, attempting to the get the officer's weapon in the process.
4) Michael Brown ran from the police car after assaulting the officer.
5) Michael Brown turned around and taunted the police officer when that officer gave chase and told him to stop.
6) Michael Brown then charged the police officer.
7) Michael Brown was killed by gunfire from the police officer as he charged that officer, Darren Wilson.
The police incident report agrees with this sequence of events.
Conversation from two bystanders discussing what happened on a YouTube video agrees with this sequence of events.
Other eyewitnesses agree with this sequence of events.
The medical report on the officer indicates he was severely beaten about the face and head...beaten almost unconscious...and sustained a fractured orbital bone to his left eye.
I believe that forensics and ballistics will prove this sequence of events.
Michael Brown was a large, very powerfully built and strong young man who was also a violent criminal and thug. He had in fact strong-arm robbed a store minutes before this confrontation. (there is a surveillance video of him doing so).
This officer, Darren Wilson, was actually heroic in his actions.
After significant injury to himself, and at moral peril to himself, he confronted a violent criminal and attempted to do his duty and apprehend the criminal. He then had to defend his life against the criminal and shoot him.
God's speed to you my friend.
I applaud those protestors, whom I have pics and videos of, who have stood between violent agitators and police, and worked hard to prevent violence. Some of those protestors themselves ave been injured by the agitators.
I also pray that further violence can be avoided while an impartial investigation, not tainted by politics or agendas can be completed and appropriate action taken.