Here is a good piece on how importance reliable, unbiased information and analysis is to the understanding of an opponent and how your entire strategy might hinge on that analysis.
In the article, it was illustrated how America's entire Vietnam strategy was influenced by the analysis of one man who failed to look at the available intelligence objectively and instead allowed his own bias and preconceptions to influence his analysis.
While the article seem to suggest the choice was once of chance, I cannot help but feel that the reason that Goure was lauded and his opinion value while Kellen was ignored and shunned was because Goure told those in power what they wanted to hear, and the men in power preferred that to the realism Kellen offered.
I feel that today, the message of this article is more important that ever, because in the modern age, when the role of media is more important than ever and governments and interest groups are paying more and more attention towards managing and controlling the selection, interpretation and narrative of breaking events and becoming more and more skilled at using information and propaganda as tools and even weapons, the risks are never higher than those in power and even those who manipulate the news start to sample their own wares and start to believe the distortions and misinformation they themselves are peddling.
With China perpetually on the receiving end of much of this distortion and propaganda, there is a very real risk that the west will needlessly make China an enemy when neither side want to be at odds with the other.
I really hope it does not take another world war and the millions or even billions of deaths that will result for humanity to learn the importance of reliable, unbiased information and the dangers of manipulating news for the self serving ends of governments or special interests.
As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and those who control it has enormous influence on the course of world events. It is well past time we as a species realize that and raise the standard, integrity and independence of journalism and journalists out of the gutters where it currently resides and up to the position where it deserves. The first and most important steps would be to establish and implement a minimum entry requirement for journalists to make sure those reporting the news are competant enough to understand and explain what they are seeing, and also establish professional ethics regarding independence and accuracy so we do not have the blatantly biased and partisan news corporations we have today.