Dear contributors, I am impressed by the seriousness of this discussion and since we are on Sinodefence forum, I would like to redirect the attention back to the Chinese military's future rather than tedious discussion of the past.
New hypothesis:
Given the current massive expansion of Chinese military budget, it is impossible for the Chinese military to rely on the Mao‘s doctrine of "revolutionary warfare" or "people's war".
The Chinese army is no longer a guerrilla force that easily melts into the population.
Also, the doctrine of "people's war" was developed for defensive purposes alone and most definitely NOT for offensive purposes.
Points of discussion:
How should the Chinese military proceed in
1) unifying the country,
2) countering the Japanese threat and
3) most important of them all, how to realize point 1) and 2) under the constant supervision and interference of U.S.A?
In order to share ideas and visions clearly. Please keep your reply concise and direct to the point. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and inputs.
First idea to get the discussion going:
To kill two tigers with one sword slash, one must allow the tigers to fight for the last piece of meat. If the meat is abundant, decreases it.