I'm not sure about that. I've always read that the Beiyang fleet was annihilated because of poor maintenance and corruption. It was said that Ci Xi diverted funds for the fleet to construct her summer palace, and that corrupted officials pocketed made fake ammo and pocketed the money themselves, thus causing a severe shortage of ammo for the fleet.
In fact, I believe the Beiyang fleet lost their battle against the Japanese due to their lack of ammo. Several times, the fleet scored direct hits against the Japanese flagship, but the shells failed to detonate.
Qing NS fleet ( Beiyang) failure due to many reasons, you mentioned that you had read
Beiyang fleet was annihilated because of poor maintenance and corruption, that's correct, lack of ammo is only one reason, if the shell detonated in the Japanese flagship, but it could not destroyed the flogship, both Qing and Japanese warship were very heavy metal sheet warships,the Japanese flagship was advanced and largest new warship,to destroy the warship, it needs many shells detonate, maybe one or two torpeto can destroy the warship.the total tonnage of Japanese fleet warships were more than Qing NS fleet warships, the speed of Japanese warships were faster than Qing warships,the guns shells speed of Japanese warships were faster than Qing warships, Qing NS fleet used to stronger than the Japanese fleet, but the Japanese fleet catch up and past Qing fleet, that could conclude Beiyang fleet must failed the battle.
in the Yellow Sea battle, the chief commander of Beiyang fleet Ding Ruchang丁汝昌 is not a capable navy commander, he was the Qing army officer, he dosn't know much about navy affair, when the sea battle began, he had made mistake, he ordered the fleet to composed of an wrong array,faced to the Japanese fleet, and in the battle, there was a captain of the Qing warship fled,caused the Beiyang fleet some chaos.
so many problems of Qing dynasty and Beiyang fleet.