Whats Your Favourite Video Game/s?


The problem is that Civ is turn based, it can become damn hard to stop, and it is a game for long / uneventful afternoons / evenings. I think trying it out, all the different possibilities of exploring technologies and ways of expansion is really interesting. Althouhg for some it might only be interesting once.

I'm not too keen on good graphics in C&C like games. But I found it a little sad that in generals you couldn't just change entries in the rules.ini to change system specs.

RS6 gameplay is, for my taste, actually a bit clumsy.

Well, and I didn't do FC in the hardest way. But it was compelling to me.


Oh it generally was, it's just that I thought moving / looking around a corner, swinging the gun, was not really smooth somehow. Perhaps I only thought so because I got shot too often.

In FC, you can pick up a Desert Eagle in that vault during the training part where you also get that comm thing and the vest. With that you can kill some of the Mercs and get a M4 quiet early I think. I really hated the trigents.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Galaga or Space Invaders..I've only played them a few times back in the early 80's... This old dude doesn't play video games.
I think Galaga and Space Invaders are almost the same thing.
Just in Space Invaders you have a tank and in Galaga you have a space fighter.