The problem is they're all hypocrites. Look at Trump and outsourcing. He outsources his signature line himself yet rails against it when other US corporations do it. There wasn't a law broken because US corporations use the system just like when Trump loses a billion dollars and as a result uses the system so he doesn't have to pay taxes. The self-proclaimed greatest businessman the world has ever seen loses a billion dollars and spins it to how he's smart because he knows tax codes.
That's the way the tax code is written Mace, it rewards those who invest their capital to grow their business, and provides them a hedge against loss?? So since we are talking about hypocrites, how many businesses do you own? how many people do you employ? so when I come to Bejing or Hong Kong??(were are Mace Towers anyway??) are you going to invite me up and show me around???
We are all hypocrites Bub, but we are not all liars on the scale of Bill and Hillary Clinton, or even Barack Hussein Obama. (If you like your Dr. you can keep seeing him/her, if you like your healthcare, you can keep that. oh yeah, and 95% of Americans will get a tax cut.
Sure I lost my Hospice jobs, and eventually my health insurance, and to add insult to injury, that TURD fined my over 500 dollars last year, because I didn't have health insurance for a few months.
So no, they are not all alike, Trump didn't send the Ambassador to Libya, and then deny his hundreds of requests for more and better security, but Hillary and Obama did. As a result of that intentional screw-up, Christopher Stevens died along with three brave men who broke Obamas orders to try to save him??
That my friend is a hypocrite, probably so Ambassador Stevens wouldn't be able to disclose that he and Hillary were "running guns to Syria, in order to over-throw Bashar Asad!