That's not archaeology. That's not good theology either. He is a creationist and claims to have a artifact 140million years old? Break out the pitchfork villagers, we have a heretic here! personally I think this position is more reasonable.
How old is the Earth? How old is the Universe?
Some faithful Catholics have advanced the theory that the world is 6,000-10,000 years old by adding up all the generations listed in the Bible (the variance because of different interpretations of "begets"). Other faithful Catholics believe scientists that say the earth is about 4 billion years old and that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. They Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) wrote:
"... the progress of thought in the last two decades helps us to grasp anew the inner unity of creation and evolution and of faith and reason. It was a particular characteristic of the 19th century to appreciate the historicity of all things and the fact that they came into existence. It perceived that things that we used to consider as unchanging and immutable were the product of a long process of becoming. This was true not only in the realm of the human but also in that of nature. It became evident that the universe was not something like a huge box into which everything was put in a finished state, but that it was comparable instead to a living, growing tree that gradually lifts its branches higher and higher to the sky." Cardinal Ratzinger, , 1986, 1995
The Catholic Church embraces an old earth theory, but it won't ever turn it into a Dogma (necessary belief). We don't even require people to believe the earth is round, even though science has proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. We don't have to know everything about science to be saved. We simply need to , to him, and be . Thank God."
I concur with you, but I don’t want to turn this into a theological discussion (we don’t want to be reprimanded by the moderators). However, theology apart if, finding an artifact that “could be” 140 million years old does raise some interesting questions regarding man’s existence. I would indicate that humans with the technology to produce a hammer existed.
I makes you ponder what civilizations existed prior to written history (if any).