USS Ronald Reagan, CVN-76, in 1:350 Scale

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Well done Jeff ! looking amazing and only interior your going for a great production :p
Thanks, Forbin, my freind!

I stil have decals to place in the hangar for the weapons elevators, the warning lines between the blast doors, etc. Then i will do the aircraft, the equipmenbt (carts, tugs, etc.) and the personnel for the hangar deck. I hope to do that in my next session, and perhaps get the lights onto the ceiling in the hangar deck.

That might be the session after next though.

Once those two things are done, I will then build the Reagan's Island.


Lieutenant General


...and a final look at the whole thing


In the next session I wil create the aircraft and equient for the hangar bay and then add them as well as some personnel. I also hope to add the roof with the LED lighting and wiring installed.

Plenty of work to do!

My gosh look at the size of that carrier model hull! It took the length of the entire table.:eek: She's looking good Jeff!;)

Jeff Head

Registered Member

My gosh look at the size of that carrier model hull! It took the length of the entire table.:eek: She's looking good Jeff!;)
@Equation @kwaigonegin @bd popeye @FORBIN @Obi Wan Russell @Air Force Brat @Miragedriver

Yes, she is over 3ft long...just like the USS Enterprise, CVN-65, I built.

I added some decal/markings to the hangar deck:

Cvn76-126.jpg now building 12 aircraft to spot in the hangar deck, along with some equipment (tugs, etc.) and personnel.

Then I will add the hangar rood with the lighting system.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
@FORBIN @Equation @tphuang @Air Force Brat @SouthernSky @bd popeye @test bd @vesicles @navyreco

The Build - Hangar deck decals, Hangar aircraft, Aircraft decals, Hangar Equipment, Hangar personnel - January 16, 2017

This portion of the build started with me adding some decals to the hangar deck including weapons station markers/elevator markers, separation markers between the fire blas doors, and markers for aircraft motion through the hangar.




At this point I was prepared to build the aircraft for the hangar deck. I am placing a total of 12 aircraft in the hanger which include:

4 x F-35C JSF
2 x F/A-18F Super Hornet
2 x F/A-8E Suer Hornet
1 x CVM-22 Osprey COD
1 x E-2D Hawkeye AEW
1 x MH-60R Seahawk ASW
1 x CH-53E Helo.


