Guys.. here's a great shot of the teak wood deck of
New Jersey...
Yes...that pic was after the 1968 modernization and before the 1982 modernization.
Notice that there are still five 5" gun mounts on each side and no Tomahawk box launchers, no Harpoon quad-launchers, and no CIWS. Also, aft, the teak deck completely surrounds the aft 16" turret.
Here's how the teak deck looked after the 1982 refit. A little less wood deck overall, particularly aft. Metal deck extends back to the 16" gun mount there, with the teak only continuing in the middle back to the helo deck.
Also, three 5" gun mounts on each side which made way for new auxiliary decks mounting all of those other modern weapons, which you can see from above: