Building the Model: Detailing the major weapons systems and placing them on the ship. - September 9, 2016
There is just a ton of photo etch and met detail for this model. Part of that included the railings, stairways, and platforms surrounding the weapons systems.
I had already built the major structure fpor the two 20mm Phalanx CIWS and the two RAM launchers and dry fitted them to the ship. But now it was time to add all of this detail to those systems, including some surrounding structure and glue them down. Her'es how the upper/aft 20mm Phalanx looked after the detailing, and how the forward, upper RAM launcher looked.

Once these were completed it was time to add them to the vessel. Also time to add the detail around the after, lower RAM launcher, and the forward, lower Phalanx 20mm CIWS. At the same time it was time to build and place the Mk-38 Mod 2 25mm chain guns. One of these is on the main deck house on the port side, and the other on the starboard side.
Here's how they all looked once they were built, detailed, and placed:

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