Banned Idiot
Finn McCool said:The China threat theory is going to ruin the this century. The US is making the same mistake it has made several times already. We were scared on the USSR. We could have been allies, all the White western nations ruling the world. But mutural misunderstandings and fear got in the way and we had the Cold War. The same with China in WWII. The US was so afraid of communism that we backed the doomed Chiang regeime and instead could have been allies with the bigget country on Earth. The United States has another chance. It can have a friendly relationship with China and usher in an era of peace unseen since the Congress of Vienna in 1815 or we can have another Cold War, with all the human and economic destruction it will bring. Exercices like this are simply causing the CCP:china: leadership to view the US the same way Stalin did in the late 1940s:suspicion and fear. We should stop exercices like this.
Are you high when talking about the USSR? They threatened to destroy the US and Europe with nuclear weapons on a regular basis and their expansion had to be contained.Does'nt matter if they are white or not. America doesnt like bullies.
Sic Semper Tyrannis-Its an old phrase the Virginia state motto and it holds true today on how the US views people and countries like that.