USAF B-36 Peacemaker in 1/72 scale

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Stunningly gorgeous! Well done Jeff my friend.:eek:;)
Thanks...and I hope you get a chance to see one. They are simply huge.

Max take off weight is 410,000 lbs. That's 205 tons.

It is the length and almost the weight of a Cyclone class Patrol ship for the US Navy


...except the B-36 also has a 230 foot wingspan, which means in appearance it dwarfs the Cyclone! And it flies at 44,000 feet and 450 miles per hour! .

I remember seeing it as a kid, but I believe on my next trip back east, I am going to go again to the USAF Museum at Wright Patterson Air Base at Dayton, Ohio, and see the B-36 again.

Oh...and Forbin, you will be glad to know that I have moved my 1/72 scale Rafael M up to be next on my build list...hehehe, just for my French friends

Jeff Head

Registered Member
So you finally did get to the kitchen table, Jeff :)
hehehe...most of my large model ships I end up displaying on the kitchen Island for the finish pictures.

I do actually use the kitchen table for the larger carriers. Like the Liaoning:


Great worksmanship. Is there, by any chance, also a 1:72 scale model of the nuclear payload?

If your read the thread here, or the web site, you will find that I am talking to an individual who used to make 1/72 scale models of the Mk-17 thermo nuclear bomb.

If he no longer does it, I will scratch build one.

I have pictures in the thread, and on my build site, of a static, inert display that they have with the aircraft at Wrioght Pat Museuem I believe.


So I will go from that and build one on a cart if I need to.

I am hoping the guy is still selling the models.