Those interested in subs should really read the whole thing:
This has been an issue, and as this author points out, it is a potentially serious one depdning on how much comes off. These coatings should not peel off in a few days...or a few missions. You have to believe the US Navy is working hard on this issue...and that it does not want the fact published to the world. But it already has been.
Now, I do wonder about this statement:
article said:
Sure, vets can tell us all about how that, in their day, huge numbers of hull-coating bricks would peel away during a single cruise. But that’s the point. A brick is a single piece–it can be replaced. The MIP/SHT on the Virginias is put into place as a largely unitary system–fixing and replacing it is hard. And expensive.
It is in fact a coating, but I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that as a coating, it does not have to be applied all at once over the entire ship in maintenance. I am willing to be that they can patch the areas impacted. They may well have to treat the adjoining areas, and may have to do things temperature/environment wise to make it happen resulting in a smooth patch, but I cannot imagine a maintenance regiment that says if any area is impacted you have to replace the whole, which is the implication above.
We know that when the coating is working, the vessels are exrrmely quiet. They just have to ensure that that coating is more durable.
We never heard of such issues with the Sea Wolf class. Or even to this extent with the coating placed on the later flight LA Class boats. Perhaps they can use those materials until this issue is solved. A coating that stays on, even if it is not quite as effective as the new technology coating, is still better than the new technology stuff once it starts coming off in any appreciable amounts.
Given the danger of the newer AIP SSKs in the litorals, where these SSNs were designed by definition to go, and given the Russian advances with their new Yassen class, the US Navy is not going to allow the Virginia boats to be compromised and go into harm's way against those types of adversaries without having a patch or workaround to this issue.