In the case of the reclaimed islands itself, other nations can try to do the same as what the US did, but that'll likely result in China sending some of its own coast guard and naval ships to do similar actions against other claimants more frequently, and possibly give China the excuse to militarize the islands.
Should China continue to behave belligerently, there will be a tipping point, a recognition and eventual consensus that China will not rise peacefully but will take what it wants outside of established law and order. .
With regards to China's interpretation of the EEZ, it is a minority view not supported by provisions of UNCLOS especially to the intended meaning of sovereignty vs. sovereign rights; the nature of the grand bargain leading to UNCLOS; the records of deliberation leading to the eventual text in UNCLOS; customary laws of the sea; and UN resolutions regarding the meaning of military activities. I suggest China takes it to the international court or change the UNCLOS provisions and see how far it will get with such interpretation.
So Uncle Sam is enforcing a law himself did not rectified. Oh the irony
Well It's already reached a consensus in US led circle of Japan, Australia, Philippines,and some Asia pacific countries.
But I doubt EU, and any other countries outside of that region would care.
BtW, PLAN has moved Sovs into SCS fleet as one of the vessel tracking the Lassen is a Sov.
That is a misguided notion of FON. FON is a basic principle of the freedom of the law of the seas that had been in place for hundreds of years. UNCLOS basically just codified it with specific provisions where there was consensus among the nations. The USN is simply exercising such rights as provided under customary law of the seas and UNCLOS. In contrast, China is the one trying to enforce some nebulous law that only itself knows what it is.
Your statement reminds us of the kind of thinking a few years ago when a Chinese official said the following to the other nations "China is a big country”, “and other countries are small countries and that is just a fact.” It assumes that China can act with impunity and that there are no consequences. I am under no illusion, China will militarize the islands - eventually (the infrastructures are built) and is simply at a timing of its choosing regardless of the actions of others.
Should China continue to behave belligerently, there will be a tipping point, a recognition and eventual consensus that China will not rise peacefully but will take what it wants outside of established law and order. Its own actions will testify to that image should it continue to pursue such path. No degree of smoke screen or ambiguity can hide such actions.
Don't know about this. If PRC forces it's way the Russians may claim a similar claim in the Arctics which will become a serious issue for EU, Canada and the US..
Whether the artificial islands are a threat to FON is actually up to Chinese actions. Up to the point until the recent FON, there is sufficient messaging from China that it regards the SCS as its territory. The USN is simply making a passage through the high seas as provided for under UNCLOS and customary law of the seas. The recent reaction from the Chinese just validates the point and is no longer a nebulous notion as you put it.Or the nebulous notion that China's artificial island building is threatening FON. Remember that came from the US side first.
Kind of like the US Navy is big and therefore has the right to act belligerently out of some lame FON excuse?