The ones making those claims are mostly connected to the ones who did it. Others take the opposite view...that it made things worse. Certainly the claim was that it would keep unemployment below 8% and it did no such got worse.I think a distinction needs to be made between the bailout and the stimulus. The bailout for the banks was a crime against capitalism. Bad businesses should fail, if you keep bailing them out without making them accountable, that would be a perverse kind of socialism for the rich. The stimulus on the other hand, most economist agree stopped the US from slipping into double digit unemployment.
What we are finding out is that a lot of the stimulus was (like the bailouts) much more about paybacks and cronyism. Solyndra, SunPower, Light Squared, etc., etc. the list goes in. Billions and billions funneled into very risky or failing concerns where a whole lot of political support ran those companies...much of the rest making "government" jobs that do not produce anything.
But, both sides of this will be argued and it becomes political so it is best to leave it at that.
Back on topic, the US Army may soon get a small, individual soldier, killer UAV called the switchblade: