US Army ramp up in Europe for 2017, NATO also
3rd ABCT from 4th Infantry Division and 10th CAB will arrive in early 2017, deploying to Europe with their own Equipment.
CAB of 10th Mtn Div
48 AH-64D + 12 RQ-7B + 53 UH-60 + 12 CH-47 in 4 bat do 2700 pers.
For 9 months replaced after but others units use same materials
In addition Equipment for an other Armored Brigade stored in Netherlands
And 4 Bat of 1000 personnals deployed in Eastern Europe
Estonia: a British battalion (The Rifle) with French contributions (2nd RIMa of Le Mans, as announced by the Minister of Defense two weeks ago) and Danish,
Latvia: a Canadian battalion with Italian, Albanian, Polish and Slovenian contributions,
Lithuania: a German battalion (122nd Panzergrenadierbataillon), with contributions from Netherlands, Norwegian (200 men), Belgian (a transport company), Croatian, French (in 2018) and Luxemburgish,
Poland: an American battalion with British contributions (150 trainers) and Romanian.