Jura in your precednt post a problem with your post 6015 she don't move directly for San Diego.
For me :
- Commissioning Ceremony the 15/10 to Baltimore
- After go San Diego by Panala Canal make sense
- And 18-month post-delivery availability
So yes :
But your bad with this one you consider a cargo speed all Combattants get a cruise speed of 16/18 kn.
In this case 13 days but you need add time for pass Panama canal...
now for everybody:
“After the ship arrives on the West Coast, it will begin an 18-month post-delivery availability to complete installation, integration, and shipyard testing of mission systems." says DOT&E 2015 Annual Report
"Following commissioning, the ship will transit to San Diego, where it will complete activation and certification as part of an 18-month post delivery maintenance availability." says USNI News
May 23, 2016 4:42 PM • Updated: May 24, 2016 12:17 PM
Zumwalt Brings Mix of Challenges, Opportunities to Fleet
For me :
- Commissioning Ceremony the 15/10 to Baltimore
- After go San Diego by Panala Canal make sense
- And 18-month post-delivery availability
So yes :
Portland, Main to San Diego
Way #1
Distance 5062 nautical miles VIA
Vessel speed 10 knots
Time 21 days 02 hours
But your bad with this one you consider a cargo speed all Combattants get a cruise speed of 16/18 kn.
In this case 13 days but you need add time for pass Panama canal...