1. It will have an unrefueled range of over 5,000 nautical miles. The new bomber must be able to reach targets located deep in the interior of Russia and China and can be covered by a bomber with a combat radius — a one-way range — of 2,000-2,500 nautical miles (nautical miles are 15% longer than statute miles). It has has to be able to fly back to where it came from, or to some alternate site. It has to be able to fly around heavy threat concentrations rather than flying in a straight line to its intended targets. If it is refueled in the air, that has to occur outside the range of hostile radars. Factor in all those requirements, and you’re talking about a minimum unrefueled range of over 5,000 nm.
2. It will carry less payload than previous bombers. The cost of a bomber rises roughly in proportion to the size of its payload, so the imposition of a firm unit cost ceiling will tend to drive designs toward payloads much smaller than the 40,000 pounds on the very pricey B-2, the only stealthy long-range bomber currently in operation. But even at half the payload of the B-2, the LRS-B could still destroy dozens of different targets in a single flight (“sortie”) due to the advent of lightweight smart bombs.
3. It will cost more than $550 million per plane. The Air Force’s stated goal of paying no more than $550 million per bomber is expressed in fiscal 2010 dollars. Even if there is no real cost growth, the price-tag in then-year (inflated) dollars will be more like $700 million.
4. It won’t contain breakthrough technologies. The B-2 bomber developed by a Northrop-Boeing team during the Cold War was a revolutionary aircraft designed to hunt down Russian mobile missile launchers in the midst of a nuclear war. Its stealthy skin requires 18 hours of maintenance for every hour of flight, and is often wrapped in heavy-duty cellophane for protection. The Air Force isn’t going that route on the B-3. Everything from its low-observable technology to its landing gear to its on-board software will likely be adapted from other programs in order to hold down costs and spped of acquisition.
5. It won’t be supersonic. Although there are some warfighting scenarios in which being able to exceed the speed of sound might be useful, aircraft traveling at that speed generate heat and acoustic signatures that compromise stealth...and their fuel and engines cost a lot more. Since the aircraft isn’t likely to outrun an enemy fighter or missile, it is more important to remain undetected once in hostile airspace.
6. It won’t be unmanned. The Air Force’s fiscal 2016 budget summary describes the Long-Range Strike Bomber as “nuclear capable” and “optionally manned,” but don’t count on it. It's hard to see what value there would be in penetrating hostile air space without human pilots on board to make snap decisions about targeting options or the need to take evasive action.
7. It will look different from the B-2 bomber. Many experts have speculated that the new bomber will be a “flying wing” design similar to the existing B-2, because the fuselage and rear stabilizers on conventional aircraft generate radar returns that defeat the goal of eluding detection. The B-2 was conceived mainly to operate at night, and the Air Force wants its next bomber to be more operationally flexible. Even though the new bomber will probably lack a fuselage, it is not likely to be mistaken for a B-2.
8. It will rely more on off-board capabilities. The B-3 bomber will be the first information-age bomber the Air Force has developed. The Air Force has described it as part of a family of systems, and some parts of that family such as orbital reconnaissance assets will be crucial in enabling the bomber to do its job. In other words, it will need to stay connected despite its low-observable design.
9. There will be more than a hundred. The Air Force says it wants 80-100 Long-Range Strike Bombers, but by the time that number of planes is produced, it will be contemplating retirement of all the bombers currently in its fleet. So, come 2040 the chances are the Air Force will just keep buying it and recapitalize the whole fleet. At that point, even the newer B-2 will be nearly half a century old.
10. It will be built by Boeing. Two industry teams are vying to build the B-3 bomber: one led by Northrop Grumman the other led by Boeing. These teams are not evenly matched. Boeing and Lockheed delivered over 300 military aircraft last year, including some of the stealthiest fighters in the world; Northrop Grumman delivered nine aircraft, none of them stealthy. Between the two of them, Boeing and Lockheed have been prime contractors on 95% of the Air Force’s fighters and bombers over the last 30 years, at a time when Northrop Grumman was publicly declaring its intention to cease being a prime contractor on military aircraft.