I just started to think how could I repair a submarine with damaged front end.
IT is quite nasty actually.
The biggest issue is not the sonar, that is relativly easy (but not cheap) to replace.
The real issue is the pressure vessel front.
The subrmaine pressure vessel wall needs to be within a very tight tolerance, 10mm deviation from the ideal cylinrical/spherical shape means the sub can dive to 50 meter instead of 500.
Now, if the collision deformed the front bulkhead, then they needs to check preciselly the shape of the front, and if it is deformed then they have to cut off the front section ,and replace it .
Considering that this ship is 26 years old, and the manufacturer needs to re-learn the sub, it will be very expensive and long.
Very high chance for the scrapping.
IF we know the speed of the sub at the moment of collision then it is easy to see the future of it.
If it happened with full speed then the ship most likelly scrap.