@Equation give it a rest.
Remember he was the one who started Libya and took us into Syria.
He was also in charge during the Arab spring and ISIS rise. His one hope for a major win was the Iran deal.. that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. A sweet heart play for the Iotolas that let them getaway Scot free.
President Trump basically said day one he wanted out of Syria, like it or not he was going to get it.
Besides what were we actually doing there?
Not fighting Assad, not Fighting Iran, Not fighting IS. The point was basically to keep our so called ally Turkey from slaughtering the Kurds, AGAIN. The one group in the mess worth a damn, and we'll fact is it's not a total withdrawal of support. The other job was to keep the Iranian groups from setting up shop in the Israeli boarder and starting yet another war.
He also wanted Afghanistan straightened out. Yet the DOD and State seem to be pushing for trying to reconcile the Taliban and Afghan government.
Yet the Taliban has made it clear they don't consider the Afghan government as legit and are only using the negotiations to try and get a US NATO pull out. basically repeat The fall of Saigon. The Afghan national army basically is a farce. Almost 20 Years of fighting and corruption and betrayal and its back to square one. It's only a matter of time before the Taliban ride around Kabul with the Afghan government's heads on pikes.
Ukraine, there is no realistic return of Crimea and the two sides seem more than happy to stalemate this into a mini cold war. President Trump can't talk to Putin the flames of alleged Russian collusion in his election have burned that bridge. Putin didn't help either with the poisonings, military actions, gaming of military rearmament.
He's not happy with the general's he has I can understand that a bit. Let's face it we have been spinning our wheels for almost two decades here, and right now the middle East is as much if not more of a mess than it was September 11, 2001.
The president is frustrated. Dealing with fire after fire every order countermanded or sabotaged every policy questioned and spun. Constant reports of leaks. Never ending calls for unconfirmed and unwarranted impeachment.
Trump is by personality a short temper when nudged he shoves when tapped he punches. Even now a BS push to try and remove the electoral college.
It's a Presidentcy under siege.