Ukrainian War Developments

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I have a feeling that the "Russian Gate" thing sabotaged any chance of a reverse Nixon from the start. Imagine if it worked though. They'd have China surrounded from three of four sides. Democrats are shortsighted.
@siegecrossbow Sir IF I may, Brandon is still in his 1st year in office, this mistake will be one of many, next month this Russian adventure will be put at the back burner as inflation will hit home. So they need to create another diversion, a manageable one, so who is the next target, Iran? or maybe Venezuela? both are oil producing country so maybe not? how about Serbia, a perfect target, it was surrounding by NATO countries, a Slavic country and Russia its guarantor is far away. Sir my assertion the West needs its war especially NATO to justify its existence. And a good payback for what Russia did to Ukraine, will the Russian respond? After Brandon leave office the US is in a bind economically that Trump being a narcissist will be do a deal with both, learning the hard way his failed trade and tech war with China.


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It's quite interesting that there are an emergence of a massive amount of newly created pro-west account in Chinese internet, some claims to be Chinese American, some is obviously Taiwanese pretending to be either mainland Chinese or Chinese American. I mainly use Bilibili (Chinese Youtube), and even I have personally seen 5 such accounts. It's freaking rampant! It's even worse on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) and Zhihu (Chinese quora). What's worse? It seems like a lot of established content-creators are either being paid to say anti-Russia stuff or sold their account. This is evident in the huge shift away from their ordinary contents and tones.

Why do the US even bother to influence the Chinese public? Do they think they can influence the decision of Chinese government?
It's more likely the Taiwanese brigade, Falun Gong c..ts, and other groups that are anti-China/CPC coming out of the wood work afraid that China maybe licking it's chops on Reunification plan with Taiwan. I don't see how their whinings are going to influence or change the direction of governments policy towards Russia and Taiwan.


Registered Member
It's quite interesting that there are an emergence of a massive amount of newly created pro-west account in Chinese internet, some claims to be Chinese American, some is obviously Taiwanese pretending to be either mainland Chinese or Chinese American. I mainly use Bilibili (Chinese Youtube), and even I have personally seen 5 such accounts. It's freaking rampant! It's even worse on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) and Zhihu (Chinese quora). What's worse? It seems like a lot of established content-creators are either being paid to say anti-Russia stuff or sold their account. This is evident in the huge shift away from their ordinary contents and tones.

Why do the US even bother to influence the Chinese public? Do they think they can influence the decision of Chinese government?
@InfamousMeow Bro my son who is 17 years old can able to distinguished a fake news cause I teach him well. :cool: The first lesson IF it's from an anonymous sources and second IF the publication of the article are from SCMP, WAPO, WSJ, NYT , AP, REUTURS and our local MSM, And third only read and listen from RT and CGTN.;) easy and he past the
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