Ukrainian War Developments

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What if Biden takes a U turn and US military enters Ukraine as peace keepers ? Putin didn’t kept his promise of not invading Ukraine so US can also bolster its troop at Poland and send them in Ukraine if invited by Ukraine. Since a Hypothetical US/Russia clash might happen inside Ukraine so Russia won’t have any moral reasoning to use Nukes either. What are a chances of this scenerio taking place ?
Actually, come to think of it, clashing with Russia is not something the US wants anyway. Even if no nukes are used, the US will have to invest significant resources (mainly air power) in Europe to win a war. China will easily be the biggest benefactor here if the US really does that.


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The U.S. had, long ago, said we would not be involved militarily. With that, they should also know that all the other Western European countries will not be sending troops. Yet, he kept his troops on the Russian enclaves. He was gambling that the Russians would not dare invade and risk sanctions and he lost the gamble. Now he is spinning it as "surprise, no one is helping us". To be fair, it is not clear how much control he has over his own troops. It was said that many commanders have dual U.S. citizenship, so it was basically a U.S. commanded army. Z may not have a lot of real power.
Thanks. I was wondering about the degree of control Zelensky has over his military.


Junior Member
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Something I've noticed.

Even with Russia literally at war with Ukraine, the western think-tanks are all "We need to fight China!"

China literally lives rent-free in their heads.

Also, a lot of doom and gloom from a large number of people because, for some reason, they think China's invading Ukraine.
I would've linked it here but its already been taken down... but yea. I wouldn't be too surprised if the western media twist this into China's fault somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if the west use this as an excuse to hit China with sanctions or whatever as well.


Junior Member
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I share the sentiments with the Ukrainian President.
They probably have the intel from the Americans on how much more the Russians will be committing after Day 1.

My opinion is Russia was still probing and seeing if Ukraine will capitulate, but only for one day.
They wanted to avoid mass civilian casualties if they could help it but they might have concluded it's impossible now.


Senior Member
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I think this only happens in the movies or anime

Not always. Some of the Flying Tigers in China might fill something like it. They had crappy aircraft and still ended up punching hard against a stronger, better equipped foe.

I believe it’s a local myth being created by the cities inhabitants to provide a “hero” myth to the people to better boost moral and comfort city inhabitants; a form of propaganda.

This is probably the case. However, it's also just possible it could be real. even if real, the pilot probably won't last long.


Registered Member
Something I've noticed.

Even with Russia literally at war with Ukraine, the western think-tanks are all "We need to fight China!"

China literally lives rent-free in their heads.

Also, a lot of doom and gloom from a large number of people because, for some reason, they think China's invading Ukraine.
I would've linked it here but its already been taken down... but yea. I wouldn't be too surprised if the western media twist this into China's fault somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if the west use this as an excuse to hit China with sanctions or whatever as well.

There was a twit earlier from a cnn journalist saying someone in the state department is trying implicate China to this too since China didn't condemn Russia.
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