Ukrainian War Developments

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Exactly. Russia's claim that this shift is due to their good will in the peace talks is simply a political fig leaf to cover a military failure and subsequent military decision to pull back. Russia will want to shorten the lines to achieve a more sustainable position, but I doubt they will withdraw from the Kyiv region entirely because by maintaining a presence there they tie down Ukrainian forces that would otherwise be available to reinforce the east.
They will switch their troops with Belarus when they will set a good sustainable defence line most likely.


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EU is fine. EU is no security threat to Russia. Russia never opposed Ukraine join EU.
The EU has a defense clause and it has members in NATO. So it would be Ukraine joining NATO by proxy. I think the Russians are making a mistake if they let them join the EU.

I can however understand that given the current situation in the terrain the Russians would be swapping the terrain they hold with the one in Donbass they haven't captured yet. And since Ukraine would give up on its territory lost to Russia and the Donbass in these conflicts then even if they join NATO the situation might be amenable to Russia. But if they start pulling shit like blocking water supply to Crimea or bombarding the Donbass then they will pay.

Can anyone kindly explain the reasonings of Russia's actions?
Shouldn't a nation with financial crisis/difficulties sell their gold reserves to save/hold up the economy?
Right now the Ruble is close to the value it had before the war. Perhaps the Russian Central Bank is trying to increase liquidity in Russia now that foreign customers will need rubles. Otherwise they risk Russia itself having too few rubles in circulation and deflation. If the Russian Central Bank buys gold with rubles, then they will effectively be injecting more rubles into the system.

Latest Maruipol map according to southfront. They too have identified that 68th Guards Tank Regiment have made a push to the train station area on the west side of the city and potentially cutting the defenders in two. They also seem to think Azovstal is largely taken which would be news to me.
Azovstal was bombed with TOS-1 several days ago. At least part of it. From what I understand more Azov moved there afterwards though.

"Russia’s deputy defense minister says Moscow has decided to “fundamentally cut back military activity in the direction of Kyiv and Chernigiv” in order to “increase mutual trust for future negotiations to agree and sign a peace deal with Ukraine.”
Well, this seems more like a cease fire in Kiev and Chernigov areas than a troop pullback. I heard yesterday that Russia was sending more troops into the East. I think they will be trying to make a push on the Ukrainian army on the field late this week.

You contradicted yourself. When these non-sanctioned Russian banks run out of Euros, where do they get Euros? From FOREX market, from Gazprombank which has huge Euro surplus, or from European banks directly because they are not banned from SWIFT. You see, there is many LOOPHOLES to the recent SWIFT ban. The Russian Central Bank (RCB) and foreign reserves is not the only place to exchange currency.
As it is you can't buy much with those Euros. So I do not see the big advantage. Even the drug companies which claim to be still working are failing deliveries. What is the point of having all those Euros anyway? If you can't buy anything with them and they can just freeze them again just like they did with the Russian Central Bank reserves. Screw it.

Springtime, and Odessa comes back to life
I think the Russians will be making a strike on Nikolaev soon. If they do capture Nikolaev then Odessa is next.

I don't see what the purpose of the Kiev offensive was. The force wasn't big enough to capture Kiev, but it could have easily blockaded the city. Instead it sat around for a month doing nothing.
It basically tied those units in that region to give the Russians free hand to do what they wanted East and South. Otherwise the Ukrainians could send units in Kiev to reinforce the other areas. Also like @plawolf said this way they prevented NATO sending a force via airplane or whatever similar to what the Russians did in Yugoslavia.

This all seems like political interference into military policy. Maybe Putin wanted to drag this war out and make it a geopolitical game with the west. That's not the Chinese way of doing things, but fine. But to hold back your military and then lose the geopolitical game is unforgivable. I'm not surprised Shoigu had a "heart attack", he must be livid with Putin.
If it is true they will sign a peace just like that I think this will only cause another war later down the line. But then again this might be part of their calculus.

If the war ends with:
Lifting of most Western sanctions
The West won't lift the sanctions. And Ukraine can't deliver that. my book that would actually count as a rather big win and the best possible outcome for Putin and Russia from an objective point of view regardless what the maximalist nuke'em'alls in this thread might think blatantly forgetting what realpolitik is all about when all is said and done.
From an economy of force perspective the deal might make sense. But I think it will prove to be a bad idea in the long run.

Just like Finland in the Winter War the Ukrainians will still have a fake sense of victory and grievances with lost territory. And this will lead to another war later down the line.
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Bill Blazo

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If the Russians need somewhere around 150,000 troops to smash through the eastern front, can they post those numbers with their current force structure, or do they need some kind of additional mobilization to expand the size of the army? It seems like they need to expand the army, because they also have other theaters around the world they need to worry about. At the end of the day, I doubt that the Russians have any great tactical superiority over the Ukrainians in the east, so the only realistic way for them to win is to go in with a much bigger army. Where am I wrong? Before you say the Russians have weapons and all that, they've had that all along and still haven't broken through the eastern front.
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Captured! Russian Spetsnaz (Special Ops) have apprehended the Azovites who, three days ago, tortured Russian POWs, shooting them alive in the legs while they were handcuffed - Vladimir Shamanov, Head of the Defence Committee of Duma.
✔️S. Velichko, 28 y.o
✔️K. Nemichev, 26 y.o

In the first round of 'interrogations' they blamed their upbringing for their actions.

Assuming this is true, got to give praise to the Russian's restraint, a lesser army may go for revenge


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any deal where conductors of orchestra are Erdogan and Ambrovich will be unacceptable to EU. once the dividing lines are understood than all reconstruction and cheap utilities will be in the East. this will be impact viability of population numbers left out. some goes EU and some goes East.

View attachment 86158
Wait, Abramovich is still part of the negotiations? Yesterday he was claiming he had been attacked by Russians with a chemical weapon, has he forgotten that?

I'm finding it difficult to understand what the official narrative is here.
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