A selective interpretation of ´international law´by the UK and her allies have initially created the catastrophic mess in Iraq since the ´coalition of the willing´ claimed existing UN resolutions gave them the necessary legitimation
to invade and occupy a sovereign country. The main guideline for the current US administration and her allies is the simple slogan
´might is right´and right after that the created facts on the ground are turned into UN sanctioned ´international law´ (indeed Fu you are completely correct: There are existing several UN resolutions legitimizing US/UK occupation forces in Iraq).
But we should not dramatize the incident since the iranians did obviously not apply force (perhaps there are actually more regular shooting incidents at the US-Mexico border!
) and recent news from Tehran indicate that british diplomats will be allowed to visit the 15 servicemen soon. Probably the mini crisis will be defused during the coming week and interestingly Washington has at least until now desisted from complicating the situation.
´Current USN maneuvers in the Gulf are carefully conducted for not provoking any clashes with iranian naval forces.´ This circumspect statement from CENTCOM is intended to calm down tensions and also fears about a new ´Tongkin incident´, but only time will tell!:coffee: )