No I was mentioning that after feeling thw power of howitzer or even a real Gun, all manheld weapons and their recoil becomes into new perspective....
No I was mentioning that after feeling thw power of howitzer or even a real Gun, all manheld weapons and their recoil becomes into new perspective....
SteelBird said:Does type 95 use 5.8mm round?
WEN? said:yeh the type 95 does use 5.8mm bullets. just asking but do you guys who have used a bullpop style weapon find the design of the gun kinda annoying. i mean when i was using a AUG for drill it was kinda bits and pieces here and there making it kinda annoying and the handle at the front, wouldn't that be harder to fire while holding that or don't you hold it at all. and does the clip being placed at the back of the gun make reloading harder?
Anyway back to the reloading problem, if anyone of you who been reading my post. I been trying to tell everyone this and thank you for elaborating my i said its all practice, and eventually it just becomes natural.
For a Chinese NO. You must remember this rifle is design for a chinese and most chinse has smaller hands.but i wonder if it would be hard to cock the weapon because it seems the space to put ur hand there is so small.
think the past complaints about the type-95 have generally focused on 1) smoke and noise from firing 2) spent cases ejecting too close to the face. Of course the people who were used to type-81s were complaining about the bullpup balance compared to the traditional rifle's balance. Also, people online speculated about the position of the safety (at the magazine) being rather inconvenient. I think this is a rather large design flaw too, but apparently I don't recall reading complaints about this from people who've fired it. As to complaint 1, I read an article that said the smoke was really a problem with the factory oil cooking-off and not a problem after it's all gone.
Note that the "Type-95" isn't just a monolithic piece of equipment, it has gone through subtle design changes. I'm not an expert on this and I only noticed when people in the know pointed out things such as different cooling vents. So it is an evolving weapon, even though the name isn't changing.