Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


I fully agree with Bltizo's analysis on the primary role of type 076.

Giving the designation type 076 as with all other type 07X (type 071, 072, 073, 074, 075) is already obvious that this is an amphibious assault ship and that is what PLA Navy has their minds on. While aircraft carriers will be given class type 001, 002, 003 etc, including light weight aircraft carriers. (type 056s were given type designation of type 05X as other frigates because it is considered as light patrol frigate.)

Type 076's primary roles is thus to carry out a beach assault with air assets, LCAC, amphibious tanks/IFV and beach assault boats. It is also designed for secondary roles for CAP and ASW when right type of air assets are deployed on board, acting mainly as support escort for the real aircraft carriers, but these are not its main missions.

Some members here tried to put off reunion of Taiwan as the reason that types 075 and 076 were built. The truth is the main defense issue for PLAN place heavy emphasis on reunion of Taiwan, and defense of China's maritime trade route including SCS. Fast decisive outcome in assault on the islands is crucial, and massive air strike suppressive fire power will be deployed, especially from large number of GJ11 from type 076.

Air assets on type 076 will be deployed mainly for ground strike instead of air to air combat. And the main battle scenarios will be close to a beach rather than in an open sea. Its main mission will still be suppressing beach defense and delivery of marines on shore.
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076 would be useful for carrying out covert-ops around the world. It can pretty much offer all the back-up support that special forces need in a self-contained package when you don't have much overseas bases. And they can be rotated in and out of a region when you have enough ships.

Also a 'reminding people that I exists' kind of ship whereas carriers would be more specific to challenges from other major powers. 076 would be useful even in a post-Taiwan situation and where China has secured safety space around the island chains.


Lieutenant General
The big picture geopolitical outlook means that barring some catalytic calamity befalling the US, China’s primary fleet strengths will always need to be kept close to its home waters.

It is pretty much unthinkable that China would operational deploy multiple full blooded carriers to, say the Indian Ocean or Middle East for example, for the risks would be too great that they could be trapped far from home if the US decided to take advantage of that situation and start a military conflict.

While it is impossible to mount an effective blockade of civilian commercial shipping in places like the Malacca Straits, it would serve as the perfect place to for hostile powers to bottleneck and ambush PLAN surface main fleet strengths.

But China massive and increasing interest all around the world, with both investment and personnel numbers expected to skyrocket as BRI progresses.

Thats a lot of people and assets worth protecting abroad, which is where and 076 LHA with the ability to launch and recover drones and limited numbers of fixed wing manned fighters would come in.

If a nation of vital Chinese interests gets regime changed and suddenly turns hostile to Chinese interest and expats/nationals, the PLAN would probably not want to deploy more than 1 carrier max. With probably the Liaoning and Shandong taking on such duties as next gen supercarriers come online.

Having a fleet of 076 LHAs would allow the PLAN to have its limited available expeditionary carriers focus on AA fighter load outs while the LHAs take on the AG roles with drones.

If it is a minor power that has turned against China, the PLAN might be able to get away with just deploying LHAs if they can pack a few carrier version J31s, which should be able to easily clear the skies of the few legacy fighters the hostile minor power might be able to field to allow unhindered drone AG operations.

Being able to deploy marines would mean the PLAN does not need to have additional 071 or 075s tagging along with a task force (unless they need the extra marines).


The big picture geopolitical outlook means that barring some catalytic calamity befalling the US, China’s primary fleet strengths will always need to be kept close to its home waters.

You put it better than I did.

Basically 076 gives carrier like options/flexibility plus more in oversea deployments while their true carriers are needed closer to home as hedges against possible adventures by the US.

Tsavo Lion

Junior Member
Registered Member
And protecting their SSBN fleet in the SC Sea, as well as ensuring access to the W. Pacific beyond the 1st & 2nd island chains.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
You put it better than I did.

Basically 076 gives carrier like options/flexibility plus more in oversea deployments while their true carriers are needed closer to home as hedges against possible adventures by the US.

Since China does not have F35B style VTOL next best thing is to have UCAV

now the question of UCAV for air cover is questionable at best but then again when your options are limited there is no choice

so overall we will have LPD/LHD/LHA mix to give some sort of full spectrum operations

but in the absence of true fixed wing aircraft it will be a short of full air cover


Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't see how solution wise VTOL is superior to EMALS.
Will it be a success or disaster? Hope it doesn't have that many design flaws as what's on Ford.
But it's full confidence in display.


Lieutenant General
Since China does not have F35B style VTOL next best thing is to have UCAV

now the question of UCAV for air cover is questionable at best but then again when your options are limited there is no choice

so overall we will have LPD/LHD/LHA mix to give some sort of full spectrum operations

but in the absence of true fixed wing aircraft it will be a short of full air cover

Yes but keep in mind the F-35B VTOL types doesn't have much range especially launching from either an LPD/LHD/LHA type ships. Meanwhile China probably saw the benefit of a UCAV launched by a catapult system provides greater advantages such as longer patrol time in the air while carrying longer range air to air or air to surface missiles.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Yes but keep in mind the F-35B VTOL types doesn't have much range especially launching from either an LPD/LHD/LHA type ships. Meanwhile China probably saw the benefit of a UCAV launched by a catapult system provides greater advantages such as longer patrol time in the air while carrying longer range air to air or air to surface missiles.

true but thats why they developed the MV-22B refueler