F280 PNS Babur (Milgem Class)
F515 TCG Istanbul (Milgem Class)
F511 TCG Heybeliada (TF 1000 Class FFG)
and Atatürk's memory, Savarona.
18th of march 2023, same day as the TF-X roll out, first flight of the T929 heavy attack helicopter and first flight of the MIUS.Is there an estimated date for first flight?
Washington DC will be less happy with the TAF buying the other export oriented 5th gen fighters.LMAO
I do want to see F-35B's on the Anadolu though. It would be the perfect high-low mix together with the TB3.
If Turkey gets re-admitted to the F-35 program I hope they are allowed to integrate other munitions besides the SOM-J.