As I explained in my previous posts, I am of the view that an enlarged Aksungur design using the same engines that the Akinci is slated to use (AL-450 series) can yield a significantly larger and more capable platform than the Akinci. Such a drone can rival or even exceed the range/payload performance of Heron TP or even the stillborn EuroMALE.
Sure they can take the other route and develop a Global Hawk sized jet powered drone. But jet powered drones is unknown territory for both TAI and Bayraktar. It will be faster, cheaper and less risky to use the experience already accumulated with the Aksungur/Akinci and come up with a turboprop powered HALE platform. There will be a lot more commonality with subsystems, also driving down costs and risks.
A twin turboprop on a drone that has to regularly fly 24+ hours will be safer to operate than a single jet engine, and generally speaking turboprops are also less maintenance intensive and more fuel efficient than jet engines at low speeds.
You trade off range and endurance for speed when you go for a turbofan/turbojet engine. For most drones loitering time and range are more important than speed.