I dont understand the point of your argument, are you agreeing or disagreeing with my comment? Lol
My point is China doesn't support Russia's war of agression against Ukraine and hasn't provided any military aid during this war militarily like Russia would have wanted, Russia had to go to the only 2 isolated countries who agreed to help them militarily i.e N. KOREA and Iran. China just maintained her NORMAL ties With Russia nothing much nothing less. China hasn't provided even a single bullet to Russia.
Chinese companies who could afford to get involve in Russia to gain market share and revenue set up business in Russia to fill the void western businesses left after the war did so. Its a normal business relationship. This doesn't means CHINA is supporting Russia in its war with Ukraine. China is carrying out normal business ties with Russia just like China does with EVERY country on earth.
India has also be carrying out its normal relations with Russia and trading with Russia when they can afford to just like China. That doesn't means India is supporting Russia in this war, same with other countries like Indonesia, KSA, UAE, Turkey etc etc.. All of these countries have had similar business relations and trade with Russia to varying degree. That doesn't means they support Russia' s invasion or whatever.
For your point of NATO getting mug by China, I'm confused, when has China mugged NATO? Is there something I'm. Missing here? China hasn't had any real confrontation or conflict with NATO to be honest. China's issues are more in her neighbourhood in East Asia i.e Korea, Japan, Taiwan strait, with South China Sea dispute with Philippines, Vietnam and others while being anchored all by the US in the region.
For the moment China has no real alliance with any country to be honest. The only country we could say China has some military obligation is North Korea, and as I said that too is a legacy from Mao's era. Things have changed alot since then. Again, things might change this coming decades in this regard , but for now this is the current situation we are in regarding china's alliance relationship .
I agree with the Chinese envoy in UN when he said If China supported Russia militarily the battlefield in Ukraine will look very different actually,
So I don't know why we are even arguing on this matter, China has made her position clear in this conflict, they don't support Russia invasion at all, but they also won't cut off relations with Russia due to this, they reiterated their position for a peaceful resolution of this conflict and respect of country's territorial sovereignty and I respect them for that . That's it. The US Has been the one trying to make China look bad by trying to portray an image if China supporting Russia in the war in Ukraine militarily. Which I understand why the US is trying to do, since anything that makes China look like an aggressive country is good for the US.