Trump 2.0 official thread


I actually find Trump's strategy more grounded in reality than the Democrats' "Turbo America". Biden was ultra aggressive in all issues and he objectively:
1- Greatly harmed American allies' economies like Japan, the UK and Germany.

2- Completely destroyed the ideological leg of the American hegemony. Nobody thinks the US is the enforcer of the international law or peace anymore. Some knew this already but now even the normies know. Their media finally lost its credibility too

3- Whatever collaboration he achieved with Europe is now going to the drain because they managed to lose to Trump. Biden shouldn't have run but his narcissism said otherwise. I also think Trump is dismantling NED and USAID because these places were turned into neoliberal propaganda agents by the Democrats. We are seeing in the documents being exposed that they were funding LGBTQ foundations in even Africa.

4- NK, Iran, Russia, China axis is a reality now. This alone would cause Kissinger to lose sleep at night. I find the current Republican efforts to reverse this delusional.

5- Sino-Western technological colloboration is done for. And it is not going work out in the way Western chauvinists think it would.
Trump's plan is the opposite of Biden's plan. Biden is allowing America to continue weakening as it was, all in a time-gamble try to create an empire that is powerful enough and makes all the right moves to beat China before it all rots away and becomes unusable. Trump is basically saying that's all screwed and chooses instead, to gamble on wild moves that would radically remake America into a stronger country while losing a sigificant amount of the tentacles of the empire. The weakest part about Biden's plan is that America is falling too fast compared to China's rise and there doesn't seem to be any right moves while the weakest part about Trump's plan is that America itself stands no chance against China.
I dont understand the point of your argument, are you agreeing or disagreeing with my comment? Lol

My point is China doesn't support Russia's war of agression against Ukraine and hasn't provided any military aid during this war militarily like Russia would have wanted, Russia had to go to the only 2 isolated countries who agreed to help them militarily i.e N. KOREA and Iran. China just maintained her NORMAL ties With Russia nothing much nothing less. China hasn't provided even a single bullet to Russia.
Chinese companies who could afford to get involve in Russia to gain market share and revenue set up business in Russia to fill the void western businesses left after the war did so. Its a normal business relationship. This doesn't means CHINA is supporting Russia in its war with Ukraine. China is carrying out normal business ties with Russia just like China does with EVERY country on earth.
India has also be carrying out its normal relations with Russia and trading with Russia when they can afford to just like China. That doesn't means India is supporting Russia in this war, same with other countries like Indonesia, KSA, UAE, Turkey etc etc.. All of these countries have had similar business relations and trade with Russia to varying degree. That doesn't means they support Russia' s invasion or whatever.

For your point of NATO getting mug by China, I'm confused, when has China mugged NATO? Is there something I'm. Missing here? China hasn't had any real confrontation or conflict with NATO to be honest. China's issues are more in her neighbourhood in East Asia i.e Korea, Japan, Taiwan strait, with South China Sea dispute with Philippines, Vietnam and others while being anchored all by the US in the region.

For the moment China has no real alliance with any country to be honest. The only country we could say China has some military obligation is North Korea, and as I said that too is a legacy from Mao's era. Things have changed alot since then. Again, things might change this coming decades in this regard , but for now this is the current situation we are in regarding china's alliance relationship .
I agree with the Chinese envoy in UN when he said If China supported Russia militarily the battlefield in Ukraine will look very different actually,

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So I don't know why we are even arguing on this matter, China has made her position clear in this conflict, they don't support Russia invasion at all, but they also won't cut off relations with Russia due to this, they reiterated their position for a peaceful resolution of this conflict and respect of country's territorial sovereignty and I respect them for that . That's it. The US Has been the one trying to make China look bad by trying to portray an image if China supporting Russia in the war in Ukraine militarily. Which I understand why the US is trying to do, since anything that makes China look like an aggressive country is good for the US.
Just because China says it neither supports nor condemns Russia does not make it true; it is diplomatic talk to continue to string the EU and US along while China gives Russia the critical economic assistance and assistance in dual military/civilian technology that is really making the biggest difference in Russia's favor. The war and what it has done and continues to do to the West is very good for China.


Registered Member
I feel like Trump simply wakes up every day and says to himself 'Here is the next random thing I will try just for the fun' and then does it regardless of deeper consideration for the US as a state. And there are 1,426 more days like this left for Mr. Trump to dismantle the US.
Nothing appears random to me. With US aid over to the Ukraine over that base will be surplus to requirements.

I don't think Trump himself is coming up with these policies, he doesn't seem to have any ideology or beliefs other than narcissism. It's the people around him who are getting all this pushed through.

The only thing uncertain is whether he actually want an end to the war or just US participation in it. The Machivellian thing to do would be to continue encouraging Europe to do it while normalising relations with Russia.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
This whole thing feels more and more like a backdooring of neolib "consumption tax" ideology. It's a largely forgotten 90s proposal where the government could maintain a balanced budget by shifting tax budren from the upper class to everyone else through purely taxing consumption of goods and services. Less taxes for the upper class would trigger "trickle down economics", growing the economy and making up the financial difference for the affected.

I genuinely believe Trump never mentally moved past the 90s so this tracks. Tariffs are ultimately a consumption tax and this $1 million "port fee" propsal is a round about way of doing the same thing. Then you have taxes for the bottom 60% rising by 2026, and falling for the top 40%, all from Trump's 2017 Tax Cuts.