Lieutenant General
JD Vance only spelled out what happened with globalization. Yeah hindsight is 20/20. He ain't no genius because he acts like he knows how "globalists" got it wrong as if he knows how to do it right. How could the West get it right this time? Violating human rights. You can't escape it. These are the people who think just don't call it slavery and it then isn't slavery. They called it "involuntary servitude". Want a real example of this? Using and dealing crack cocaine carries are harsher penalty than if you use just cocaine to which crack cocaine is derivative. Why the difference? Because crack cocaine is more likely to be used in poor minority neighborhoods while cocaine is used more by white and rich people. Yes Westerners don't like hearing that in history China referred to Westerners as barbarians. Well they are barbarians by that way of thinking. The West has committed more human rights crimes than anyone else in the world and they don't think they were on the wrong side of history.