Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946-1948)


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    Votes: 3 16.7%
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    Votes: 15 83.3%

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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ok, I'm sure you all here know about the Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946-1948)? well, i jsut found this out and it's really shocking and quite mad....
If not here's a short version of it the most distrubing part!
Back in 1946, most japanese war criminals were tried for warcrimes, many were executed, but those were just the lower levels, until they ran across a man named Shiro Ishii, leader of 731. He was as guilty as himiler and hitler, but instead of execution, he was granted his freedom, and lived in the US, his bargain chip was bio-chem tech.
Okay Chinese part of this...
They were not represented in the trials, plus ishii murdered thousands if not hundred thousand of chinese!
heres my main quesion:
IF America, is said to be the defenders of good and freedom and humanity; how come they sold the CHINESE and KOREANS, for BIO-TECH weapons? Instead of giving him death, how come they gave him life? How come EVEN AMERICAN SOLDIER where barred by the government to not tesifty? Wouldn't that be denying them consituiontal rights and existance? I'm confuse i thought America is said to be the defenders of good and freedom and humanity?!?! :mad:
isn't this much worse than SADDAM did? :mad:

Returning Allied POW’s recounted harrowing tales of biological experimentation ruthlessly conducted upon them. If these stories were reported by the press, the public would bray for blood. Despite this a deal was struck. By 1948, immunity was offered to all members of Ishii’s Unit in exchange for data and co-operation. Prosecutors at the Tokyo War Crimes trials were warned off. Allied POW’s were sworn to secrecy, and cynically forgotten. The biggest cover-up of the war had commenced.

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"the engineer"
swimmer, you should have realized by now that the american government doesn't look out for the average joe, or anyone that's not giving them votes. as long as they get benefits from all of it, they don't care who they harm or insult. do you know why the allies were rushing toward germany as fast as they can in europe?? because the russians wanted to control as much of germany as possible to take over their scientists and engineers and the machines. the russians stole jet technology from the germans. the americans on the other hand rushed in to take the scientists, and stole rocket/missile technology from the germans.

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
Well at least theres some1 here who has com damn common sense

I agree with PiSigma

As said in this forum, India might get 120 F/A-18E/F and Pakistan gets GArbage like the F-16 Block 20 ish crap

Maybe if Pakistan got the Super Hornets that the military situation might even out, but NO!!!!! It HAS go to India, to counter "CHINA"

hm... America isnt a very reliable country for help ya know, in fact, INDIA ALREADY HAS A LARGE ENOUGH MILITARY TO OVERRUN PAKISTAN, WHY GIVE INDIA MORE STUFF?!?!? Pakistan helped US in this war against Bin Laden, again Pakistan gets the worse and India who really has contributed nothing gets everything, American foreign policy makes no sense to me.

America couldn't care less for humanity, America is being hyocritical, like every other country would if THEY stood up and said the same thing, but the different is... they don't say anything, in fact, China or India or Russia really couldn't care less about things about democracy as long as they have an effective government. America has now flushed the world with her propaganda... sad... very sad...

To make everything worse, there were American POWs in camps like Mukden back in the war, when they came home to America, they were denied their existence and was barred from testifying against Unit 731, which were their captors and they even were exposed to bio-chem experiment, that is betray to humanity, really.
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Banned Idiot
nazi scientists were treated the exact same way. the made chemicals to kill jews, but the americans wnated there secrets.

the bush admin could care less about friends. all of its frieinds are toolds to them, not real friends.

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot

half a mil, at least

200,000 were slaughtered by bio-tech in 1 air raid, hundreds of thousands were killed throught infected rats and water...

even today chinese workers are be exposed to it if they struck the spot

I wouldnt say huow much, but how many so far


VIP Professional
Registered Member
so the only reason why the americans didn't want any chinese, korean, and POW to tesitfly is b/c they didn't want ishii dead; but instead alive so he can help them develop weapons of mass destruction and kill more ppl?


New Member
Attention Chairmen Hu

I understand your have strong feelings about the US. Me, I'm a history major so I want to know the good and the bad about any situation. That is something most instructors do not want the students in any nation to know. My best example is the 1942 Doolittle Raid. It had the following results:

Good stuff

-B25 Mitchells launched from the USS Hornet really cool
-First attack on IJ Homeland since 1500s or so
-First real response to IJ attacks in Hawaii,the Philippines etc
-First real US Navy Offensive Operation
-First US Navy sortie since Dec 7th
-The raid led overzealous IJN staff to plan Midway Operation

Bad stuff

-Many civilian fishing boats sunk by US TF had women and children onboard.
-Most bombing did little damage
-Raid aside from setting stage for Midway did nothing aside from insult IJ
-250,000+ Chinese citizens massacred retaliation for aiding downed B25 crews

For me, the raid was important for the very fact it got the Japanese to try the operation at Midway but 250,000 deaths in addition to the Americans and Japanse lost during and following the raid is not something I would claim is successful.

I would recommend a book called "Flyboys" to everyone on the planet. It is in my opinion a fair look at the US and Japan, the various racial and criminal situations during the WWII period and also a good look at the war. It talks about the stuff that is never highlighted in warmovies or stories.


New Member
War Crimes

I think if history was correctly studied, only the people of Iceland cannot throw stones.

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
AHHH well said, what happened in 1942 there was a fine example!

Itz not America wants to kill more people, itz America being paranoid in 1946

They had everything, A-bomb, Jet tech, and even ROcket/V-2 tech

Russians: No A-bomb for another 3 years, Jet tech from the 30s and stole some Jumbo BMW engines, in fact, they had to reverse copy the rolls royce VK-1(?) in order to solve the problems, and rocket tech? yea right, Stalin's purges in 37' took out everything

So yea America WAS paranoid, then again you can argue me on that, the guineva convention of 1980 was ratified by many countries to stop using napalm bombs, America rejected that, last time I check.