USA: over 3,000 sailors exchange positions on aircraft carrier
The US Navy aircraft carrier together two giants in San Diego, at the southern coast of California, for one of the most colossal exchange ever seen posts regarding about 3,000 soldiers.It operates such personnel rotations between some of its most technologically advanced ships and militarily, in order to maintain and redeploy.
The crews of the USS George Washington and the USS Ronald Reagan, two of the largest ships of the US Navy, stationed in San Diego since August 10.Some "3,000 sailors ship change (...) Probably the biggest exchange of positions ever seen," said to AFP the commander of the US Navy Jason Haka.Each aircraft carrier carries a total of about 3,500 sailors and civilians. Some 1,500 soldiers from each of the vessels involved in the operation.
This is the first crew exchange of this magnitude since 2008, an operation that had involved the USS George Washington and USS Kittyhawk."So far this exchange was a bit stressful but it happens not too bad. We worked even harder than usual. I'm actually happy to be back on Ronald Reagan, I love that ship, it's so clean, everything is so well done, (...) I love it ", welcomed Ronika Peeples, passing the USS Washington Reagan."This is huge, there are thousands of people with thousands of boxes of equipment, it lasts for hours. It's stressful enough to be honest," added Jacob Thomas, being also transferred Washington to Reagan.
Sailorq will now train several weeks on their new ship and to their new position, a process certification said.The USS Washington will then leave San Diego Naval Base for join Norfolk, Virginia (eastern US) this fall. It will then follow from autumn 2016 a long process of nuclear replenishment, repairs and improvements that should last several years.
The USS Reagan is about him from Yokosuka, Japan, replacing the USS Washington who was there before.Furthermore, the USS Theodore Roosevelt will travel the world before returning to San Diego this fall.