The War in the Ukraine


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Might be what Pakistan doing with it's bad ammo too.
Temstar also showed the possibly theory that it might just be because the ammo supplied isn't meant for soviet artillery.

Since while the size is the same, they are meant to be fired by chinese made artillery, and the amount propellant and therefore barrel pressure is higher.


Lieutenant General
I think we are approaching a moment of truth period once the weather improves enough for general spring offensives. The timing, scale and scope of the Russian offensive will offer significant insight into their broader strategic plans.

I personally think the Russian offensive will be smaller and much more limited in scale than many might expect/hope for. The primary strategic objective of the Russian offensive would be to push Ukraine out of artillery range of population centres in the captured territories; to try to secure favourable positions to limit the locations of possible major Ukrainian counter offensives; and to create more Bakhmuts.

The reason is that it should be abundantly clear to the Russians by now that a conventional military win, while emotionally satisfying, will be extremely costly in lives, treasure and time; and be very risky in terms of triggering NATO direct involvement and/or nuclear escalation.

With the way the war has progressed thus far, it’s hard to see how Russia can delivery a decisive knock-out blow to be able to end the war quickly. Any breakthroughs will be limited in scale and depth, with it being one giant slow grind where villages, towns and cities are slowly taken through being pounded to piles of smoking rubble. And as the Russians push further westwards, the logistics will become less favourable to them, as would the risks of Ukrainian counterattacks being able to punch through their overstretched Russian lines and rapidly roll back a lot of gains quickly, as has already happened.

Basically, Russia not doing more mobilisation should have already spelt out that their intentions are not to win this war through conventional battlefield victories.

Instead, I think the Russian strategy is to target the well established American and western weakness of staying power and resolve. Why beat your fists bloody trying to punch your way through an ice wall when you can just sit back and watch it melt under the heat of the summer sun all by itself?

The big strategic struggle right now is Russian seeking to lock the war into a slow grind stalemate that minimises Russian losses while maximising the costs to Ukraine’s foreign NATO backers (Bakhmut and periodic infrastructure hits); and the US and NATO pushing Ukraine to break that deadlock and end the war quickly on the battlefield by going on the offensive themselves, or by trying to goad the Russians into unwise overstretched assaults (shelling civilian city centres).


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A Polish-made 155-mm self-propelled gun Krab, delivered earlier to the Ukrainian army, came under attack from a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. To be precise, the drone hit the Ukrainian army support vehicle, from which ammunition was being loaded into the self-propelled guns at that moment. As a result of the drone strike, shells detonated and the truck and Krab self-propelled guns were destroyed by the explosion. The explosion was so powerful that nothing was left of the truck at all.
