My friend, I fear she would even be worse. She would double down on all thaty Obama has done.
I think a lot of people are going to be surprised however by the amount of support Trump gets...and it is apt to be much more broad than many expect.
His message to the inner cities is catching on when he says, "The democrat party has spent almost two trillion dollars on your areas and what have you gotten? Crime, no home ownership, broken families, poverty, and no end in sight. In the mean time, their donors and the people doing contracts have all gotten rich."
Not to get into politics, but what I see as very troublesome (more so than the email situation) is the influence pedaling at the US State Department. That is what goes on in third world nations, not the United States (the last bastion of democracy and freedom left).
I remember hearing a speech from Ronald Regan were someone mentioned to him that the USA is the last place for freedom and if it falls we will all plunge into the dark ages of totalitarianism. This is the ultimate end game of all Socialist and Communist governments