I guess it's up to debate just how much benefit there is from doing recon by high speed/high altitude plane.
The US had the SR-71 yet they chose the subsonic U-2 over it and retired the Blackbird.
The US also has F-15, comfortably faster than F-16, yet it's the latter that's the carrier of recon pods, not the former.
Israeli AF uses recon pods both on their F-15 and F-16.
Today, when a recon pod like DB110 is credited with 80 nautical mile range at useful resolution, there might be fairly few situations when overflying at well over mach 2 is needed. Indeed, who knows if flying at mach 2 causes enough vibrations that a recon pod can't stabilize the camera as well as it could at subsonic speed. So maybe effective range for decent image quality then drops to just a few dozen nautical miles.
Speed is probably always a plus up to a certain point. When it comes at a cost of range, loiter time, maintenance, availability or image quality - then who knows just how worthwhile it all is.
Now, a completely unrelated question to the recon issue that you made me think of.
I am aware that lots of people think J-8 is the fastest fighter plane China has. I've tried actually finding a source for that that's either a website of some government entity (CATIC, CASIC etc?). Or a photo of a manufacturer's brochure from an airshow. Can anyone help?
Actually, I did find this one brochure photo of F-8T but the photographer didn't manage to capture the important parts... is there ANY other, complete image of that brochure, anywhere on the internet?
Please note that I am not discussing whether J-8 is indeed the fastest or not, or how fast it might/should be. I am merely looking for sources.